Happy Hair Day

Tuesday, 2 October 2012
I don't know about you but I don't like going to the hairdressers much.  I don't find it therapeutic and I don't like sitting there with drippy wet hair whilst they are mumbling on about the weather and wanting to know if you're going on holiday this year.  I change hairdressers quite frequently ... there is very little loyalty on my part.  It's basically, you crucify my fringe and I won't come back.

I've had my fringe since I was nay high and I'm happy to have it long and flopping in my eyes.  I like to hide behind it and that stems from the old school days where I kept my head down, eyes peeking from behind my overlong fringe, wishing and hoping that the teacher wouldn't look my way (yes I was that chronically shy as a child).  There have been the odd moments when I've decided to do away with the fringe and grow it out - it lasts for a little while but it's never long before the old fringe finds its way back insitu again.  

So today, I went to the hairdressers for a trim with Karen.  I've not been for a haircut with Karen before but she seemed okay and didn't do a bad job cutting my boys' hair so I thought I'll give her a try ... and I'm running out of hairdressers who haven't crucified my fringe around these parts.  She didn't flinch when I did that really uncool thing of showing her a picture and mumbled "like hers please, thank you".  I made big hints about the fringe i.e. it is fine as it is and doesn't want to be any shorter but perhaps a little less cock-eyed as I do let loose with the scissors on my own fringe when I really do look like the Dulux dog.  I know I can pop in for a free fringe trim but who actually ever bothers to pop in for a fringe trim?

She did the job and the thing which made my day was when she said "do you just want it rough dried?".  That was exactly the right thing to say to me.  She understood me.  I vigorously nodded my freshly trimmed head.  Too many times I have come out of the hairdressers with hair plastered to my puce coloured face due to overheating from being blow dried on a hot setting for too long.  I am a natural bedhead so she got it spot on.

I came out happy ... happy in the knowledge that (1) my fringe was still too long (2) I didn't have to wash my hair as soon as I got home to undo the do and (3) I didn't look that different (the Grumps couldn't tell I'd had a haircut).

So what picture did I take in today?  This one of Nicki Bluhm, my new favourite bedhead style crush ....

Nicki Bluhm

..... and this is my version below.  Squint hard and it will look just like the picture above!

Marks out of 10?

So anyone as uncool as me and takes a picture to the hairdressers?



  1. Hair looks lovely! It's great when you find someone who really 'gets' you. Especially the fringe thing. I had a fringe once, I also liked it long. I once had to yell 'STOP' in utter alarm when it was being hacked away to nothingness, having sat there for a moment or two assuming they knew what they were doing (they very clearly didn't!).

    I have been known to take a picture - but as my hair does its own thing regardless, I've sort of given up!

    1. I don't know what it is about fringes and hairdressers that they always do it that little bit too short ... and I always feel bad when I see little boys and girls who have straight across blunt fringe which are too short and makes them look a bit demented. It's wrong and cruel to inflict such a severe do on small people! even if they are your own kids - hee hee.

  2. The hairdresser did a great job! Loving your new hair do. I, too, have issues with getting my hair cut because of one disastrous time when someone went a little too shear happy and texturized (aka thinned out) my hair way too much. I barely had anything left on my head! I am super cautious now. I also never let the hairdresser touch my bangs even though they still trim them anyway. Sigh. I'm trying to grow mine out now. Let's see how long I can stand still without going to the salon...

    1. Scary thing it already looked a lot like that already. I'd grown it out of an inverted bob which I had at the beginning of the year. I have a knack of bob, grow, bob, grow and I'm currently in grow stagees again. Then I get the itch .... and hack it off again ... and grow again. Will I never learn?

  3. It has been a long time since I have taken a picture to the hairdressers but I took a photo from the television when I saw Brix Smith Start with a wavy bob recently. Just haven't plucked up the courage to ask the hairdresser yet as it looks like it will involve a lot of work every day!

    1. I'm terrified of hairdressers and I get worried if I can't explain myself and they do something terrible. So I find sometimes I just have to put up with being uncool and just hand over that pic. Brix Smith's bob would have been a lot of work. It did look good but short hair is actually really hard work. At least when it's long and you're having a bad hair day, you can tie it up.

  4. LOL! I no longer do the perfectly coiffed hair. I'm lucky to brush my hair so it seems a bit weird when the hairstylist does the whole blow dry thing. So not me either. Looks great though. I like the bedhead look. Totally down my alley. So thumbs up from me :)

    1. I never did the perfectly coiffed hair - they hairdressers just took it upon themselves to do it for me so it never looked like me when I came out. The Grumps was always very complimentary when it was sleek and shiny which probably means he likes a "neater" me but I spent years training my hair to natural bedhead and I'm not going to give up now. I actually buy products called "I hate my hair the day it's washed". What does that say about me? Actually - don't answer that one.

  5. I think I need to bring one the next time!! Had a dreadful experience the last time I went:( Love your new style!

    1. Thank you Anne but it honestly isn't a whole lot different - it's because I just don't show myself that much on pics (too scary for me) that it probably looks different. Slightly choppy layers always works well for me but she has left it long enough for me to tie up so she was actually listening to me. Way hay ... I might go back ... someone who listens ... till she crucifies the fringe :o/

  6. I love it! Great than they managed to keep so much texture hair dressers can't help but blow dry my hair super silky smooth so I look like a Lego man.

    1. That's the rough drying doing it's magic. Normally I come out with it super silky smooth - that's when I look like Moonface.

      Glad it's not just me then.

  7. Nice cut! A good hairdresser is a difficult thing to find. Hang onto her for dear life!!!

    1. I will ... till she does my fringe wrong! Or she gets too expensive! I had to stop going to one hairdresser because by the last time she got promoted, she cost £75 for a cut. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.

  8. A new cut? This is so lovely, and it certainly resembles the inspiration pic!
    I so wish that I had naturally straight hair. There is so little that I can do with mine, apart from straightening it and wearing it all one length. When I get sick of it, it goes up into the bun. Boring, by the thought of trying to get it to maintain a 'style' simply terrifies me. Straight hair is so versatile: and life, I conclude, is not fair!

    1. I have really thick straightish hair so it tends to fall in to place when I get up so natural bedhead is the way to go for me. I never look very different unless I suddenly decide to bob it again and then regret it as I can't tie it up. But I did tell the hairdresser that I quite liked tying it up so she left me quite long layers. My problem is I can't wait long enough to grow my hair out in to one length though I would love to. Life is unfair as you say.

  9. I like your new hair. I'm a huge fan of low maintenance hair, every time I do something to mine, I regret it immediately after when I think of the maintenance but oddly that never stops me.. ;)

    steph / absolutely-fuzzy.com

    1. I had a "Pob" when Ben was born. Lovely but so high maintenance and surprisingly draughty at the back of the neck - I needed a trim every 5 weeks and I was going to Vidal Sasoons then so that got expensive so I ended up growing that out quite quickly. So I'm back to my version of low maintenance hair now. I don't have the guts to have ombre hair though I think it looks wicked - I'm such a conservative soul.

  10. I love your hair cut, it combines perfectly with your guide to French dressing...looks chic and effortless :)



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