Berry Big Scarf

Monday, 1 October 2012
Monday morning and I'm supposed to be painting the walls in Farrow & Ball's Pointing like I have done the last three times except I went to the garage, got all the tools of the trade out, went and set up in the kitchen and opened the leftover pot of paint and there was .... gloop.  Itty bitty gloop at that.

So no painting today as the local interiors shop is not open on Mondays which stocks Farrow & Ball. Yes we still have little shops around here which closes on certain days and the fact that the Post Office closes on Tuesday afternoons is beyond belief!  Do they not know how inconvenient this is in these modern times pffff!  To be honest, I don't go to the Post Office that often but when I need to, it's invariably on a Tuesday afternoon.

So I thought I'd show you my big berry scarf instead.  

And "real" bedhead hair.

I normally go for big scarves any way but the more gauzy variety.  But for some reason, I seem to have fallen out of love with a lot of my scarves this year and I'm also a little jaded by the same old pattern offerings out there ...... so I have decided to go for something different (different for me) and that different should be big and woolly!  I have my eye also on a lovely fluffsome yellow one in H&M which I think is from their Trend collection rather than the main (no links to it to show you) and I've seen a lovely tartan cashmere one on Ebay too. Och aye the noo!  and believe it or not, that actually means "Oh yes, just now" which is exactly what I think about big scarves.

Gasp- I'm not in boyfriend jeans!
Jack Wills Sweatshirt (old)
Office Namesake Boots 
New Look Grey Stripe Top (old)

I'm also getting in to chinos and this pair which I picked up in Matalan for £16 is exactly my shade of grunge with a fine check pattern thrown in.  

Now that's what I call a fine check ... can you actually see it?

If you look on the website at the chinos, the picture would definitely not stop you in its tracks ... but in store, they did.  I sized down to make them "slim fit" as when I took my normal size in, I did think they looked rather roomy.  On the whole, I try to buy slim fit pants as these have proven to be the most flattering for me (I now have 4 pairs of slim cut chinos to prove it) and two non slim cut which make me look non slim.  What's that telling me?).

The vintage white Jack Wills sweatshirt is a favourite though I don't wear it too often because young boys and white don't go well hand in hand.  I tend to hold the boys literally at arms length when wearing this (like a Maypole).

Feel almost naked without the big scarf to hide behind!

Yes it has a JW on the front but it's not too big and I even like the motif on the back because it's not too immediate as a JW offering.

That's relatively discreet for a JW sweat.

I like the way it harks back to "vinyl" - my era.

So nothing special today apart from my berry nice scarf.  That's it - that's my scrubs for today. Now if that paint hadn't congealed and dried up and gone itty bitty (yes it did all that) ... my outfit for today might have been a whole different ball game.  

So big scarves - yay or nay?  Or we going for the slightly more practical ones which don't trail in the dishwasher when you bend over?  Actually, I can see the argument for the more practical ones now. Good thing I still have a few which I like or Ebay will be swamped under this week with my offerings.


  1. I love that scarf. I received a present of a woolly long Gap scarf last Christmas. It was grey with little bits of bling on one side. I would have walked past it in the shop .. but it was great on and I wore it to death last winter. Good luck with the painting (I loathe painting) .. and seriously? You have shops that close on a Monday?? Bizarre!

    1. Seriously - I live in Smallsville.

      I hope to wear the scarf lots, that is, if I don't hang myself with it by accident first.

  2. I love big thick knitted scarves like the one you bought - they are so easy to wear and look very chic over anything. Great choice!

    1. Thank you - I've succumbed big time to the berry shades so i'm really enjoying this scarf. Even if it did look a bit overkill today in the school playground. It was nowhere cold enough to wear it but I wanted to wear it so wear it I did!

  3. I have a similar long black one ready for the real colder mornings! love the berry colour:)

    1. I'm in good company then! I think I should save mine for the colder days ... but I just wanted to wear a big big berry coloured scarf today :o)

  4. I love a big and cosy scarf that covers you in its warmth! That berry coloured one is divine, and a great tone too

    1. It really is warm ... I could feel myself going berry in the face wearing it but we all have to suffer a little for fashion. It really hits the right berry tone does this one.

  5. A thumbs up for big scarves! Appaz the new Louis Vuitton Sprouse scarves are not as big as the older ones! Not good at £490 - glad I got mine about 4 years ago!

    1. Did you go round measuring the new ones vs the old ones? And ouch £490 for a scarf! I'm not sure I could splurge that much .... but then again, if I won the lottery, that might be a different matter.

  6. Definitely a BIG yay from me! I'm so sensitive to wool so I can't touch any knitted scarves or jumpers for that matter unless I put another layer under them. Speaking of sweatshirts, I'm on a mission to get more. Not white ones because I'm the culprit. I can't even blame the dirty marks on Lil L.

    1. I don't think I'm particularly sensitive to wool but I can't abide rough jumpers i.e. lambswool. I never realised that until last year when I ordered a Uniqlo lambswool jumper - I ended up returning it and getting a cashmere one instead :o(

      I'm trying to wear sweatshirts instead of fleeces - trying to hang on in there. I don't know what I was thinking of .. white indeed! Can't beat grey marl at the end of the day.

  7. Love love love big scarves, my sister is always knatting them. Your berry one looks glorious on you, very Jen Aniston. My neck is so short (dang my father's genes!) I always look as though I'm choking unless they lay very flat.

    1. I love big scarves - it's the small ones I don't know what to do with. My sister knits scarves for me too but they are always too skinny and too short and then i feel ungrateful. Drat (my equivalent of dang).

  8. That scarf could pass as Damson, surely!! Lovely colour indeed. I haven't even begun to worry about knitted accessories yet, it pains me to search for them almost as much as searching for a practical winter coat...which I have finally found, thanks heavens! I really like those Falmer pants too - I popped into Matalan a few days ago for the first time in forever and liked quite a bit of the Falmer stuff. I remember the brand being quite popular/hip when I was at college (good jeans!). I wonder how they ended up distributing via Matalan..

    Have my eye on a JW crew sweatshirt too, without the logo but shall have to wait for a mini-windfall if I wish to indulge! I have my eye on too much - yet feel that my wardrobe is complete, so have to temper the urges, uurgh.

    1. Berry or damson is good for me. I just saw it and thought that will pep up the winter wardrobe no end. The berry shades seem to be running away with themselves now ... I'm well and truly hooked. I actually quite like Matalan - their clothes are made quite well for the price. The chinos are quite a thin cotton - not good for the winter - but good for early Autumn and late Spring. But they turned out to be quite a nice cut but you do need to size down. I snuck a look at the menswear too and I was quite taken with a few bits ... for me. Strange about the Falmer range ... and Easy jeans - they turned up there as well for the men.

      I think I know which JW sweatshirt you mean - I tried on a pale grey plain one but it was a little long in the body for me ... it was on my wishlist till I tried it on and it didn't quite fit. And it's horrible this tempering the urges ... there is so much temptaion out there.

  9. Glad to see you've made a start on your bag of scarves!! ;-) Love that one, very good colour. Will look great with the burgundy trousers from the other day, too.

    1. What burgundy trousers? You mean the "damson" chinos? ;o)

  10. Hi!
    I saw that you have the Office boots that I want! As I can't try them on, I would like to know if they're true to size :) I'm a 6,5UK and don't know if I want to buy the 6 or the 7.
    Thank you!!!

    1. Hi L. The boots are pretty much true to size and not too narrow a fitting. I'm a UK Size 4, Eur 37 and they fit me very well and are very comfortable. I've practically lived in them this year as they seem to go with everything. It must be somewhat difficult to know whether to size up or down. I think mine have stretched a tiny bit because I was actually able to put a pair of sheepskin insoles in mine not because they were big but because they help cushion the foot. The soles are not too thin but the insoles do make a difference especially if you plan to spend a whole day in them (or maybe I'm just a big wuss :o)). I hope that helps.

    2. Wow you're fast! Thank you for your answer!!!
      I always have the same problem.. Always between sizes :S
      I'll see, maybe I'll order the 6UK and try to stretch it :)
      Have a nice weekend!

      PS: How're they with skinny jeans? I've tried to find a pic in your blog ;)

    3. They're good with skinnies tucked in as well. I wore them with my snakeskin skinnies tucked in today and they sit comfortably inside (not too tight). I've tended to wear them with boyfriend jeans over the summer as they're a perfect ankle height for wearing like this.

      Do you blog? Would be nice to see you in your pair when you get them :o)

    4. Nice :)

      I don't have a blog, well I have a blog but it's about branding and lifestyle: :)

      I might upload a pic when I have them ;)

      Have a wonderful Sunday!

  11. Oh this scarf. I am such a big scarf fan, although didn't really need them in Australia, so I can't wait to build up my collection this winter. In fact, I shall be off to topshop this week to copy you! x


2025Susie So So