Tuna Chilli Pasta

Monday, 27 March 2017

This is another one of our quickie staple meals. You don't need many ingredients and you don't need much time. About the same time as it takes to boil a pot of pasta which is no bad thing. I first came across the recipe probably ten years ago in a little booklet of Italian recipes and it looked easy. It was. I now do it off by heart but it goes roughly like this.


Feeds roughly 4

  • 1 lemon
  • 1 jar of Albacore Tuna Fillets
  • Capers (optional)
  • Pack of green beans
  • 400g Penne Pasta (100g per person approx)
  • Chilli Flakes (optional)

  • Put a pan of water on to boil.
  • Pop penne pasta in to boiling water.
  • Whilst pasta is cooking, top and tail the green beans and cut in half lengths.
  • Pour the contents of the Albacore tuna jar in to a bowl including all the oil.
  • Grate the rind of the lemon in with the tuna. Squeeze in a little juice for extra citrus kick.
  • Add a couple of teaspoons of capers (or exclude if you don't like but they do add a little something).
  • Mix the contents of the bowl together.
  • When pasta is five minutes from being done, pop the green beans in with the pasta to cook.
  • When pasta and beans are cooked, drain and pop back in the pan.
  • Stir the tuna mix in to the pan of pasta and beans.
  • Mix and season as required.
  • Add chilli flakes according to taste or exclude if you prefer.

Serve with garlic bread and a little grated parmesan if you like. Enjoy!


Last Note :

  • Albacore Tuna is nothing like your regular tinned tuna in oil. The texture, colour and taste is totally different - totally worth getting for this meal. (available in Sainsburys and Tescos).
  • I have one boy who doesn't like capers or chilli flakes but these are ingredients which are easy to include or exclude as they can be added individually at the end if preferred.
  • Penne pasta is good for this dish - the green beans find their way in some of the pasta tubes - so they can be either a lovely or horrid surprise for unsuspecting kids.
  • I made the boys have an early dinner just so I could take pics of the dish in natural daylight.


  1. I do a similar dish and thankfully both the boys love it 🙌🏻 Makes me want to eat it now... but it's on the menu for Weds (boys swim night, I have 20 minutes at home before heading out to yoga so need a quick meal)...

    1. Oh this one always goes down well and it's one of our quick turnaround meals too. To be honest, I can eat pasta (or noodles) any night of the week. x

  2. Looks delicious - Monday is a pasta night for me as need a quick turnaround. Will make a note to try this next time!

    1. It's my no stress meal - you've always got to have a couple of them in your repertoire!


2025Susie So So