Friday Five : 24 Mar 2017

Friday, 24 March 2017

Crikey, another week gone and I've been quiet and not at all bloggy again. These wayward habits creep in so easily. But here goes ....

Friday Five (1 of 5) Currently Crushing On (1)

I like a nice hard wearing leather bag in the winter but I like a nice slightly slouchy soft fabric bag in the summer. I've finally decided to part ways with my old tatty bag circa 2007. There's going to be a bag shaped hole in my wardrobe and this one would soften the blow nicely though my bank manager would hate me.

Friday Five (2 of 5) Currently Crushing On (2)

Pink Vans. Pale pink suede Vans. Come to mama! I tried these on instore as I wasn't really too familiar with the fit of Vans and I have to say, they were okay. I thought they would be rather clumpy but no they were fine. I didn't buy them the day I tried them on but I've now got them buzzing around in my head. And there is a bit more sun these days and I'm wondering if these might finally knock this pink trainer thing on the head for me.

Friday Five (3 of 5) Sunshine.

(I fancy a new laundry bin)

I've been able to put the washing out on the line this week and then the hook came out of the fence and my washing tumbled to the floor. That aside, it's a sign of spring when the washing is back outside don't you think? Anyway, I have a friend who won't put his laundry outside as he says it looks common? I'm afraid I'm common. 

Friday Five (4 of 5) Stranger Things

Gap Cashmere Jumper (old)
Uniqlo Jeans
H&M Bag (instore but rose gold version here)
Yellow Bag (Ikea)

I must be one of the few people who can leave Ikea without spending a fortune. I bought a pack of six plain water glasses and a Peace Lily. 

Friday Five (5 of 5) Big Boned

Does my bum look big from this angle?

Basil's got a bit of a paunch. I took it him to the vets this week for his booster and whilst there he had a little health check. I asked the vet if he was overweight as the hubs keeps saying he's fat and the vet said he was at the top end of where he should be and he had a little tummy but nothing significant. I always knew he was big boned and besides there's more to cuddle when he lets me.


  1. I always hang the washing out! We even have one of those planks with a little v in one end to make the line higher! Great blog, as ever.

    1. Hi Lucy. Guess what? I have one of those poles too! x

  2. Pink and grey gazelles is my main takeaway this week! Oh and your cat is gorgeous, my Izzy is also overweight but she gets two wet sachets a day and nothing else.... I've tried to do what they say and give her one sachet a day split across morning and evening and she's an absolute nightmare so I've ignored them, she's an old girl but still very active and that will have to do :)

    1. Oh! My Basil is on three packets a day. Eeek. They said give him two packets a day and a few biscuits when I got him but then I went and got one of those huge boxes of sachets and it said they should be fed 4 packets a day so I upped him his allowance to 4. I've since taken it down to three in a day (and a few biscuits) but he's the greediest cat ever. He steals his cat treats and I find empty packets and crumbs round the house! x


2025Susie So So