Friday, 12 December 2014

What I Wore Last Night

Well I was a bit of a busy bee yesterday so I didn't have chance to take any photos of what I was wearing last night for my Christmas night in with the mums. So instead of a WIWT, I decided to do a  WIWLN. I love how you can make up your own acronyms to suit. Our Christmas night in usually consists of us ordering a takeout to have in one of the mum's houses. So not too dressy but it's really up to yourself as to how much effort you want to make. There is no pressure and I love it for those reasons. In previous years, I've worn dresses but this year, I wanted to wear jeans. Am I getting lazier and lazier? Err ... yes!

And following on from the non roaring success of the navy and pink H&M sweatshirt from the previous post, I moved on to ... a navy sweatshirt with sparkly butterflies! As you do. But I think this one works much better on me because the sequins are in "jewel" shades. Sarah left an interesting comment in the previous post to say I am a "winter" colour person and the reason why the H&M sweatshirt wasn't working on me was that it was a "summer" palette. But she did say I was one of those lucky persons who suit grey shades, icy shades ... and jewel shades. Well guess what - I have jewel coloured sequins on my sweatshirt! It's fate!

And what made me so happy with this sweatshirt? I give you the following reasons.

(1) it's 100% cotton
(2) it's failsafe navy 
(3) it has jewel coloured sequins 
(4) it's really comfy 
(5) it cost £25.99
(6) it made me crack a big smile when I put it on
(7) I get to break out my disco shoes as they kind of went with the green and bronze in the sequins ....

(8) and the vintage snakeskin clutch which I scoured Ebay for as it was just the right tone to go with the bronze/copper detailing on the disco shoes without being too matchy matchy. 

I think that's enough reasons, don't you?

I traipsed down the stairs after I got ready last night and the Grumps smiled at me rather than putting his hands over his eyes. I take that as approval - he said it was more me. Dressed up but not.

And before I headed out the door - I threw on the fur coat! 

Matalan Fur Coat, Pull & Bear Sweatshirt, Vintage Clutch, C Petula Sandals

I think it works in a kind of mish mash way. Put it this way, I was comfy and I felt like me though butterflies aren't very me but I'm kind of going with it as they are jewel coloured. Now if they had been pink, I wouldn't have ordered the sweatshirt and I wouldn't be writing this post.

Brrr! I didn't hang outside for long I tell you.


Last Note :

  • Sometimes I get bored of wearing plain clothes and besides it's Christmas - let's wear butterflies on our chest :o)


  1. Love it Sue, a bit sparkly without being overly so & such a fab price too! Also loving your gorgeous clutch, just gorgeous.
    Jane xx
    My Midlife Fashion

    1. Thanks Jane - the clutch was a lucky find. I had found another one which was a kind of petrol lizardskin and I was pipped at the post. Gutted. But it all worked out and this snakeskin one goes with quite a lot actually - it's more versatile than I thought. And I think I have the right amount of sparkle for me for my girls night in - not too in your face. You know me :o)

  2. A perfect sweater for casual holiday outfits ;) Great outfit!

    1. It's a sweatshirt so it's pretty easy to wear - I think it will make a few appearances this season - it's my concession to dressing up which I don't enjoy doing (anymore).

  3. You look so cool Sue! Absolutely love the sweatshirt.....which is looking superb with the jeans and fabulous disco shoes! Evening outfit perfection me-thinks! xx

    1. Thanks Michelle - the sweatshirt is a little bit bonkers, I am not a butterfly girl usually but the colours of the sequins did win me over and the fit of the sweatshirt, it was just so right. I wish all sweatshirts could fit like this one when I buy them. I did feel very comfy all night and that's not a bad thing.

  4. You are a very funny lady Sue. This is one gorgeous outfit x

    1. Thank you! I can't do glam like you Donna so this is me trying!

  5. Fantastic outfit! Love the balance between comfy and glam. It's so much harder to put together/pull off than plain ol' dressy...

    I'm glad you liked the color analysis. It gave me some clarity too.

    This pin might be helpful too: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/209628557630689164/

    You'd be the first column (winter).

    And they say it's easier to shop for your right colors in the corresponding season, so you should shop up right now!

    1. I had a look at the pin and you're right - I am the first column and I would wear all the colours that are featured on it and do gravitate towards those colours. And thanks for the encouraging shopping words - the hubs isn't going to thank you though!

  6. Love this Sue, those shoes are just gorgeous as is the butterfly sweatshirt. A super cool look from a very stylish lady xxx

    1. Thank you Frances - I was quite surprised when I decided to go for the Pull & Bear sweatshirt as I didn't really expect too much with it being butterflies and everything but I took that leap of faith and it paid off. It was just nice to find something which went with the shoes which wasn't black.

  7. You look lovely Sue and I adore those shoes x

    1. Thank you Sharron - everyone needs disco shoes don't they?

  8. Iove it that grey cool Ms So So has gone all butterflies and disco shoes on us, but guess what is still Ms Cool Cool. Great look for a mums night in/out, love it. The shoes are divine! xx

    1. Aww thanks AnnMarie - I didn't deviate too far from my usual uniform - we just added sequin butterflies and that's enough for me. And I really do love those shoes and they are even comfortable and I can't say that about many heels!

  9. Beautiful Sue! I just used that acronym on insta!!! Let's get the world onto this one!

    1. Ha ha. I just made up another one on my latest post. Somehow I don't think they will catch on like the WIWT. Ah well.

  10. I love the look of this jumper - I've just bought a faux-leather black pleated midi skirt from Topshop and this would have looked so cool with it, a good mix of dressed up/down. Unfortunately I hesitated for too long and now size M is not available. Next time I'll go with my instincts! Hope you had a fun christmas evening in, I love it that there are no rules now for what goes party wear wise, we can wear what we like! (unless it's sold out of course!!)

    1. That sounds like a perfect outfit and I would have loved to do something like this but in my instance, I'm missing the pleather skirt whereas you're missing the sweatshirt. What to do eh? And I think the 20% off ASOS will have a few things selling out on their site this weekend. There is a sweatshirt from BHS girls which I just spotted though - search for charcoal zigzag sequin detail sweatshirt. It's from the children's section but the largest size might fit? I think it's pretty cool.

    2. I so think it'll rock with that skirt from Topshop that I've ordered a size S and I'm hoping it'll fit. It can always go back! What I'd really love to wear with that skirt is Bella Freud's Gangs of Love grey sweatshirt but unfortunately my budget does not stretch to such indulgences!

  11. Love the sweatshirt and I agree with hubby - very you amd super stylish for Christmas too. Lynne xx

  12. I think the thing is trying to feel like myself but a little bit better for going out. I really don't enjoy dressing up these days - I am getting so lazy. I used to find an excuse for a new dress for every occasion but these days - jeans will do nicely thank you!

  13. Dressed up but not...you do it so well with a hint of sparkle, heels and furry coat, so cute to see your face!

  14. Beautiful! It's so you & looks effortlessly amazing! Ax


2025Susie So So