Sunday, 14 December 2014

What I Made The Other Week

I made that! #proud

I'm taking the mick now aren't I? But these acronyms are such fun. But no seriously, that is what I made the other week except I've only just got round to posting it now.

My friend L1 and I set a date in the diary to make our Christmas wreaths. For the last few years she has been kind enough to make mine for me but she asked if I'd like to have a go this year - why yes indeedy!

In a nutshell this is what we did.

  • Cut and condition foliage to be used on the wreath a few days in advance. This ensures the foliage is in the best condition before it is used. (More info here). You need a LOT of foliage - go outside and get raiding the country lanes.

Sorry - this pic was taken on the camera phone so is a bit fuzzy

  • Buy, gather or make the decorative bits you want to put on the wreath (I bought some fake red and green berries which I liked).

I didn't end up using the red berries.

  • Soak an oasis foam ring in water till saturated. Wrap the oasis ring in cling film to hold the oasis together and the water in - this will hydrate your foliage for the next few weeks. Then wrap the cling filmed oasis with wire to stop the cling film unravelling.

  • Make a hook out of thicker wire (an old wire clothes hanger will do) so you can hang the wreath on your door.

  • With secateurs, cut the foliage to the size you want and poke in to the oasis ring. You may need to use an implement with a sharp point to help make an initial hole if you are finding it difficult to prod the stems through the cling film. If you're using holly - you need gardening gloves - or ouch!

  • Keep turning the oasis ring round to make sure that you are creating an even shape and keep going till you're happy.

  •  Bob on some green berries. Bob on a door.



Last Note :

  • I decided I liked the "greenness" of this wreath and excluded the red berries. The Grumps says "it will be nice when it's finished i.e "where are the red berries?"  Each to their own.
  • Thank you L1 for your expert guidance and cups of tea!
  • Who's giving this a go next year?


  1. Fabulous! I am for sure! Xx

    1. Come on missus - you can do this - I know you can!

  2. Wow you clever stick you! This looks amazing! xx

    1. Thanks Sharron - I love the greenness of this. And then refraining from carrying on and adding extra colour and trying not to be influenced by anyone else that it needed more adding to it. Less is more!

  3. This looks so professionally done Sue! I didn't know that thing about water + foam, though that makes sense. How heavy would you say the entire wreath is, after water and all the leaves and berries?

    1. Thank you Kristina. For a first effort, I'm pretty pleased but I think it had a lot to do with having such lovely foliage to work with which my friend had prepped in advance. She has quite an established garden so there's lots for her to choose from but it did make me laugh when she said she used to raid near the church gardens and nearly got caught. To be honest, the stuff about the water and foam - because I've seen it done by a florist friend and everything, I think it all just made sense to me rather than being told. The foliage still needs to feed through the stems so it takes the water from the saturated oasis foam. Beats trying to water it :o) And how heavy? I couldn't honestly say - a few lbs.

  4. Love this wreath, Sue. I like the greenness of it too actually. I may just have a go next year, watch this space! Lynne x

    1. I have a membership card for a florist wholesalers so I can nip in to get foam, berries, ribbons and all kinds of stuff to do this but a lot of it can be sourced via Amazon and the fake berries and stuff can be bought at some garden centres who sell fake flowers for arranging. And I will be looking out for your wreath next year.

  5. Well done Sue and your friend! It's absolutely lovely and you make it look SO EASY! Do you think we could somehow adapt it for Chinese New Year 2015 lol! Does that sound like a challenge to you? I don't think I could resist putting in a few berries like a little scattering of rubies ... :-)

    1. Oh now you're challenging me SPD - Chinese New Year themed and rubies indeed! It honestly was easy - once the prep is done, it's all a matter of prodding in stems till you're happy with the finished product. Why don't you give it a try for the Chinese New Year?

  6. I have been buying the same holly wreath for the past 8 years from my local greengrocers! It's not even half as good as yours Sue so I am going to give my own a go next year!! Consider me totally inspired!! xx

    1. Gosh I am so late at replying to everyone - it must be that time of the year again! Sorry!

      Honestly Michelle - it's a lot easier than you think once you have all the stuff. It's a matter of jabbing branches in here and there till you like the look and you can't see the oasis foam anymore. Very satisfying and it doesn't take long actually! I want to see your effort for next year on your blog!

  7. you know you need to do this professionally right sue!? that looks amaze!

    steph / absolutely-fuzzy.com

    1. Stephanie, I think I've peaked :) This is the first time and probably the best one I will ever do. It's all downhill from here - arrghghg!

  8. Wow! That's really impressive. You should be #proud. I also love the fact that it's green ... just a little bit different. And no! Not a creative bone in my body, so won't be trying this myself!!

    1. I think once I put the green berries on, it all came together and I just didn't want to do any more. But it was hard trying to go with the gut instinct and resist the hints of red which make everything so traditional and festive. And no - I didn't think you'd be trying this Helen :)

  9. Sue you are so clever....next year you should take orders for them! I would love to try, but don't have the talent, time or patience! Helen xx

    1. That's what you say but I bet you could if did have the patience or the time! And it would be fantastic as I bet you've got a fantastic eye for detail.

  10. This is really beautiful! Merry Xmas to you and yours x

    1. Hi Louise - thank you very much. A Merry Christmas to you and Mirlo! Have a great 2015 too!

    2. Lovely Sue, you're awesome! I always think about doing crafty stuff then I feel very very tired...


2025Susie So So