Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Yup - I'm the bonkers mum taking pictures of my own feet in the playground.

Do you UGG? I do. I know you haven't seen a pair on my feet yet or hear me mention them but I UGG. I am not alone in this activity of UGGing. Most of my friends have a pair of UGGs and Ben's school playground is awash with UGGed feet usually from October onwards until the following April. They are the essential school mum footwear for playgrounds on cold, frosty mornings. And also the chosen footwear for teeny boppers and D-list celebrities.

Over the last few years, UGGS have waned in popularity (sales down 31% last year according to the Huffington Post) and have unfortunately managed to acquire a "chav" tag which serves to give them very little fashion credibility. So they're out of favour but I don't care because did I mention how lovely, warm and comforting it is to wear a pair of UGGs? Those who have a pair are nodding in unison with me at this point. Especially if you're standing in the school playground in sub zero temperatures waiting for the school bell to ring? Nodding increases pace.

I UGG inside and I UGG outside. I UGG inside because they keep my feet warm and because they stay on my feet. Stay on my feet? Yup, that's exactly what I said because when I wear slippers like these .....

.... they slip off my feet. This is because we have some barstools which I like to perch on and my legs are too short  to reach the carpeted ground I walk upon. So I wear Uggs inside as slippers. So they don't slide off my feet. If you have a pair of slippers like the ones above, raise your feet, point your toes down and watch them fall off. See!  

I have a new grey pair this year in the Bailey style. I actually got them in A/W 2011 but I hadn't finished with my current chestnut classic pair until now so I've had them in storage for about a year. Along with the other chocolate pair. I can't help it - I stockpile sometimes - especially when something this good comes my way. I have to say, these are not the official UGG Decker branded ones - these little beauties are actually from Costco ... from the childrens' section. No VAT. Fabuloso. For about £25 - proper twin faced sheepskin booties. The only difference to the real branded ones so far that I've noticed is there is no label on the back of the heel ... and the price difference. Hence the fact that I make an annual pilgramage just to stock up.

You'll be chanting that for the rest of the day.

But when outside, I have the Classic chocolate UGGs or the toast UGG Kensingtons. 

The chocolate UGGS I've had since 2006 - Ben's birth year. The year I decided I needed these comfy boots for walking in whilst pushing Ben around in a pram. I didn't do much pram pushing (had a bout of lazy-i-tis) but it was a good excuse for getting them for a Christmas present. Six years later they are still going strong and under the recommendation of Lucy from Suburban Style, I popped them in the washing machine to clean them up and waited with bated breath to see whether they were going to be shredded or come out lovely and clean. Phew - they came up fine. But if you don't fancy taking on this dauting task yourself - some dry cleaners and shoe menders will undertake the activity for you.

You'd look a bit like this if you were 6 years old ....
... and been through a 40 degree wash.

The UGG Kensingtons I bought a couple of years back and these are a love hate boot. Boy I wanted these and when they came I thought they were the bee's knees but getting them on was an ordeal and a half. The reviews of the boot echoed exactly what I thought which was they were unfathomably tight around the ankle and with no zip to help matters along, all you can do is push hard .... really hard. But I managed because where there is a pair of lovely boots, there is always a way.

That's Mad Max Monty (16yrs and counting)

I'm going to sit here right and make it difficult for you to take pictures.

So tell me now do you UGG? Or would you rather stick needles in places unmentionable rather than have to wear such footwear?


Last note.

I hate seeing this though ......

Picture Credit :

Why oh why oh why?


  1. I have a tall pair of Uggs in chestnut that I've had for about 3 years and still going strong. I don't wear them as much as I used to, but I still do on really cold days. I like them a lot, with the right outfits they look fine I think. I hate what happens in the last pic though, has never happened with my Uggs but I think it does with some cheaper brands, less support in the heel I reckon xx

    1. I've only just dug them out for this year - normally they would come out sooner so they are probably falling out of favour a little ... but we haven't had the proper cold snap yet which is when they usually come in to their own. Lopsided UGGs - big bugbear of mine.

  2. Not an Ugg fan I'm afraid....remind me of my mother in laws slippers !!!!!!! Love your cat though Sue!!!
    (Btw black H and M spiky shoes you showed a few days ago were a big hit Saturday!)

    1. And I do wear them as slippers! But I get your point - they are not the most becoming but they are forgiven on the grounds of comfort. Glad the black H&M shoes worked out - and were they lovely and comfy and walkable in? Mine have not had a proper outing yet. I will have to manufacture an outing to wear them.

      Mad Max Monty - old, smelly, a little bit decrepit but he's my cat. It's a good thing you can't see him close up - he'd scare you.

    2. Actually really comfy....admittedly I was sitting down most of the night though!

  3. I don't Ugg, but do wearing Minnetonkas count? I've always thought they looked like the hairy stepchildren of Uggs. I think Uggs have gotten a bad rap because they're associated with the whole culture of Juicy Couture sweats and tacky D-listers but I have to say that they do look rather comfy and warm. Thankfully, I live in a city where I've never really had to shield my toes from frostbite. For those times I do a little traveling to colder climates, I have a pair of furry Northface boots which don't work as well for slippers. I am a big fan of comfort, so I can't really hate something that provides warmth and support and are actually kinda cute in IMHO especially on kids. Although that last pic is a different story. If it gets that bad, it's time for a new pair.

    1. My very thoughts exactly on that last pair. Why would you want someone to see you in something which looks so bad but I have seen a lot of people wearing them like that - gives UGGS a worse name than it already has. But I agree about the sweats and Uggs look - it's not great but I am guilty of it ... but only indoors. I love Minnetonkas. Rachel at Object Log has a gorgeous pair but I have never seen them around.

      And I am a minefield of useless knowledge but Northface actually do duvet type slippers. I am so sad.

    2. Whoa, sleeping bag slippers! Yeah... I think I'm going to pass on those. :) And I've seen those Minnetonkas from Object Log on Etsy and local resale shops! I've actually been contemplating on getting a pair in either black suede or white leather. They are adorable, aren't they?

  4. I've never got around to getting a pair of these. (Mainly because of the last picture probably!) But yours look lovely and I can see the warmth appeal. Genius that you can wash them! Love your cat :-)

    1. They're a bit marmite for many. If you've managed this long without, you don't need a pair. My cat is sitting next to me - I'll let him you know what you said :o)

  5. Hello! I love your post, especially the last picture, made me laugh! I Ugg and have done since my first pregnancy, I couldn't have got through it without them. My first few pairs I ended up importing from Oz as cheaper but not anymore. What setting did you wash yours on? My original pair are 7 years old now and are really scruffy but still have some life in so a wash would do them good!x

    1. Thank you Glam Rosie. Uggs are a godsend when pregnant - they have bit of give when your feet decide to grow half a size and then deflate again after. I put mine on a 40 degree wash. Mine are a bit faded and they were a little stiff after drying but it hasn't taken long for them to soften up again. I've seen Johnsons drycleaners and Timpsons (shoe menders) both offering cleaning services and resoling. Cleaning is about £20 which wasn't that bad but I just washed mine on a whim because I just decided to do it on the spur of the moment.

    2. I will give them a go then on a 40! Thanks loads! x

  6. I have one pair of Emu boots - do they count?

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Love my Uggs and they have far less of the negative connotation here - though teenage girls still have an obsession for sparkly ones with their Abercrombie sweats. I have short and tall classic boots that only get worn for waiting for the school bus in the morning - but my slippers - they're another matter entirely. I live in my Ugg Ansleys all winter in the house - I have the grey but they have some gorgeous bright colors too. If I needed more boots - and you know I don't - I'd order the Baily buttons - love 'em in sand.

    1. You absolutely do not need any more boots. I spotted an UGG store which has opened up in Leeds today - they're really branching out - I guess they need to spread the net a little as their original boots are reaching their sell by date in design and every shop, supermarket and boutiqute all carry their own "cheaper" versions. Sparkly Uggs - makes me shudder.

  9. I don't have any real Uggs but I do do pretendy Uggs. This means I can have cheap Uggs in lots of different colours that I don't mind getting all muddy and messed up. I think I would like a real pair one day though as theyt do look really comfy.

    1. I love mine because they are so warm and comfy but I am slowly realising that there are other things to wear on your feet. You sound like the kind of girl who has something in every colour - like the Converse?

    2. Hee hee, I guess I am a bit like that! Well if you find something that works for you I guess it kind of makes sense!

  10. I am addicted to them and have - gulp - four pairs. I did once have quite a smart pair that looked slimline but they did not repeat them and they fell apart so its back to the big bad foooozzzie bear ones that I have on now. Best never to buy them as you never get out of them,

    1. Okay you beat me on this one - four pairs so obviously, you can extol the virtues of how comfy they are - you can't not with four pairs! I think even if I stop wearing them outside eventually, I will forever have some as slippers now - I am a commited UGG boot slipper wearer.

  11. Unfortunately I cannot join you in celebration of UGGness as I never had a pair in my posession, but I can join you in saying UGh about that last photo. It looks horrid. I have no idea why girls do that.

    1. I don't know what they do that either. Why make yourself look so bad? I can only put it down that it's easy to ignore what you can't see. If you've never had a pair - don't go there - you might never take them off your feet again. It's taken me 6 years to come out of the FUGG ... a bit.

  12. That last photo made me shudder! I loved my Uggs when I was in Boston, nothing beats them for warmth.

    1. I think it's one of the things which gives Uggs such a bad name. I guess the people who wear their's like this, do so simply because they can't see how bad it looks because it's behind them. I wish I had footwear like this when I visited New York in February many many years ago. It was bitter. And I even went out in a pair of kitten heels for a meal ... though I had two coats on.

  13. I wouldn't say I'm anti-UGG but I'm not pro-UGG! Apparently they do really nice heels...Have you ever visited Byron Bay in Oz where they originated? It all makes sense after going there!

    The Style Rawr!

    1. Hi Tara - Ugg are actually putting out some really nice alternatives. Yesterday, I pressed my nose against the new store that opened in Leeds to check out how they could furnish a whole store with UGG boots and thankfully, they didn't and they did have lots of footwear not Ugglike at all. Love your blog - the two of you are style opposites and it's so fun.

  14. I am a committed Ugg-as-slipper wearer - but never outdoors. Mercy me, no! But then, I live in the land of rain, so I'd be afraid they'd disintegrate if I wore them outside (plus I think they're really ugly). But you're right - for comfort and warmth, there's nothing like them!

    1. I love them as slippers - as slippers, they can do no wrong. You're right, they don't exactly exude glamour and elegance but comfort and elegance rarely come together.

  15. I certainly do! Love Uggs and like you wear them inside and out! I have a few pairs and a Love from Australia pair which I was sent to review last winter and they are gorgeous x

    1. I knew you would. And that you would have a few pairs. Do the love from Australia pairs differ in any way to the Decker branded UGGs? and you were a lucky girl being sent boots!

    2. They don't differ in quality at all. As you get older its all about the warmth factor. I often pop to the village in them and can't bear to take them off when I get back. Great for cold school runs but I leave them at home if meeting friends for lunch and yes I was really lucky to get xx

  16. I'm a total UGG lover. I've been tempted to put them in the washing machine but never been brave enough. Having read your blog I'm going to take the plunge and throw them in the machine tomorrow, wish me luck!


    1. Please don't sue me if they don't turn out right. I might have been just lucky :o|

    2. They survived the machine and look great. Thanks for the tip. X

  17. I don't have a pair of the traditional ones but I did purchase a black leather pair for the snow.
    I hate the way they go all slouchy in the back .
    Great post :)



    1. Aah - you have posh ones! And I hate seeing the trashed Uggs too. What makes people do that?

  18. Coming from NZ, the Ugg is not something I'd ever wear outside. BUT....I did a couple of times when the temperature plummeted. My English friends LOVED them. My Aussie friends thought I was insane. Me? I'm still rather divided on them but they're perfect for the English weather.

    1. You can't deny the comfort factor and to me that's paramount. I look such a bugaloo sometimes stomping around in them at home but when at home, I do as I please :o)

  19. LOVE my Uggs, they are a winter staple for me.. warm feet - whats not to love ;) xx

    1. Warm feet - v.v.v. important. Cold feet - v.v.v.grumpy.

  20. I UGG, I admit. Like you , I started wearing UGGs when I was pregnant with my first boy, the comfort and warmth were heaven to my feet and I needed it back then. Now, it's been 4 years but I still wear them, mostly for a walk in the woods, to the market on saturday mornings and home (just like I'm doing at this precise moment, wearing UGG boots as slippers). xx

    1. Yay - I'm in good fashionable company then! I know they've lost their appeal over the last couple of years but I don't think I could do without when we hit Dec & January.

  21. Hilarious. I do have a pair of uggs, I'll admit it. (sheepishly, excuse the horrible pun) But I keep mine at my mom's house in Wisconsin for the holiday visits, and there they seem totally justified amidst snow and ice. I do think though that if I wore them here in Madrid I would regret it. A lot. Cozy as they may be, I just can't get behind them as fashion, only as functional.

    1. I found myself in a freezing cold train station this weekend and I was very grateful for mine. And to be honest, I was not alone in my wearing of Uggs - it's quite surprising how they are the footwear of choice for so many - I was people watching for half an hour - quite good fun actually.

  22. I have the Kensington Uggs too!! Paths cross again!

  23. i had a pair when i was living in NZ.. this was all before people wore them out on the streets so i guess it was perfectly acceptable house wear, especially with the winters in NZ. i actually really liked them but they are not something i would wear out ;)

    steph /

    1. I wore them to London over the weekend and I was grateful for them whilst I was sat waiting at Kings Cross station waiting for my niece to pick me up. I've got a pair on now as I type. I'm definitely addicted to my indoor pairs.

  24. This is so funny! I have always disliked uggs...simply because I believe people give up a bit in looking 'chic' by opting for comfort....but lately, I have been converted! I love a sheepskin mocassin slipper and am buying some sheepskin lined biker boots. Comfort but chic, too!

    1. I've seen some of the sheepskin biker lined boots - they look very tempting but I have to make the most of the Kensingtons which are biker styled but brown. They cost too much not to get my wear out of them. I have to admit, I wear Uggs out of laziness when I'm running out the door sometimes - I'm guilty as charged of giving up :o)

  25. I must confess I don't Ugg. I don't think London is cold enough to justify it. Plus, with all the rain... I don't know, I was never convinced.
    BUT I do own a Ugg-like pair of slippers that I wear at home in Winter.

    1. London is strange - one minute you're freezing as you're pounding the streets and next moment, you're boiling as you enter another centrally heated shop and stripping off so to speak. And it's always a couple of degrees warmer in the city which I noticed.

  26. Great post - I UGG at home indoors..but not outdoors. But I love them on other people - one of my best friends wears them every day and they are gorgeous on her. I've got fallen arches so need supportive shoes or I end up like that last awful photo!! lol x

    1. Fallen arches? What are those? As far as I'm concerned, you can Ugg wherever you please. Whatever makes you comfortable is what I say.

  27. Lookwise..I am not a fan I must say. But they sure look like they can keep the feet warm and happy :)

    1. Pretty, they are not. Warm and happy, my feet are :o)

  28. Uggs are NOT winter boots....they were made for surfers by a surfer.....just saying.

  29. OK - duh….I have read this one and commented. Must have just missed the last one. I am rambling now. I shall sign off. Avril x PS Fallen arches are the same as flat feet so I wear special insoles in my shoes. Totally ruins my fashionista credibility (not that I had much in the first place) - I'll fess up to the zimmer frame and varifocals next!

  30. Oh no my name is Keri and I Ugg lol!

    I make sure they look as smart as possible although living in a small town I do feel a little 'chav' and wouldn't wear them when I go down to London to work - I would be too embarrassed :-)

    I first discovered Uggs when I spent some time living on a yoga ashram in Northern California - it was 2003 and very COLD. I'd never seen them in the UK at that time so I bought a pair.

    So yes I do still own/wear a pair but then it is cold up North so we are allowed!


2025Susie So So