Tweed and Checks

Friday, 9 November 2012
We've had a few nice days this week - a little bit of sun in the sky, some crisp leaves to kick underfoot and both accompanied by a certain wee nip in the air. Actually, it's been blooming freezing ... but thankfully dry. I ventured out on the school run the other day in this ensemble.

Next Cocoon Tweed Coat (A/W 2011)
Aubin & Wills Maybray Jumper (A/W 2012 - think it's sold out online)
New Look Jeans (Ancient)

Look closer - they are not the Office Namesake Boots!

The Aubin & Wills jumper you've already been introduced to along with my blue jeans. But have you met the Next brown cocoon tweed coat and the Gap greige suede boots? I introduced them to each other and I think they get on great in a non too matchy way.  

Picture of coat ;o)

The coat I picked up when browsing online one evening in the sale section of the Next Directory. I never normally look at the Next Directory so it must have been fate who sent me to have a look at this coat. At £23 and cheaper than most jumpers and warmer, it would have been rude not to get it and it was meant for me as it is a petite fitting and it was the last one. To be honest, I wasn't sure how much I was going to wear this - I bought it in April and thought it had potential but part of me still has an allegiance to the old Primark black padded coat which has served me so well these last few years. I feel like I am performing an act of betrayal by wearing this one instead. And can I say, although it has pocket flaps - these are mock pockets - boooo! Where am I going to put my fleecy gloves and keys? I need pockets to jam my hands in! But it does have a couple of other things in its favour which is, it is big and slouchy and when fastened up to the neck, no one need know you are wearing something which resembles a dogs dinner underneath.

Just have to use the jeans pockets for jamming hands in instead.

I have to say cocoon coats are not always the best thing for small people - we usually look kind of drowned in them in an orphan kind of way however when they are a petite fitting, it's a much better kind of drowned way. To the purist matchy matchy person - the whole combo might be a little off. The grey jumper with the hint of green doesn't really go with the brown tweed which has a predominant black thread running through it and the greeny grey jumper doesn't strictly go with the greige boots but I think they still get on because they are all tonal. 

Oh and the greige boots which are not my beloved Namesake boots? They were given a rest by these Gap ones which were featured in Grazia last week.

Yes they are beige suede just like the Namesake ones. Old habits. Die Hard.
Not available online at last look.

They came in to store last Wednesday apparently and I'm pleased that I nabbed a pair with the 30% VIP discount which is currently available till the 11th November. Apparently, these are the must have boots according to Grazia - well that's fine - I have them. I actually brought these home to give them a trial run with the various pairs of jeans I had but they just went with everything so it was a no brainer. Do I need another pair of tan/greige suede boots in my life. Hell yes.

So nothing amazing - just a bit of a greige, just a bit of tweed and just a bit of check. But more city than country. 

Anyway, does anyone still watch America's Next Top Model with Tyra Banks telling everyone to "Smize" with their eyes? I tried a bit of smizing whilst taking these photos.

Smize with the eyes!

Looking natural in front of the camera. Harder than it looks.
Looking silly infront of the camera - comes naturally.

"Sue, I'm sorry, I don't have your photo here - you are not going to be America's next top model!"

For Info :

  • Smize - to smile with your eyes.

  • Gap 30% discount code - I think you have to be on the mailing list. Sorry. But if you ask nicely in store, they may be obliging - it's worth a try.

  • Update 12.11.12. Doh! Adopt sheepish tone. I've found my tightly sewn pockets! Thanks Louise for making me have another look for them!

  • I am so happy with the pockets discovery as I can now adopt best sulky teen jamming hands in pocket pose.


  1. I love the coat, love styles like that and it goes great with the rest of the outfit. I saw those boots in Grazia as well and love them, may have to have a little look out tomorrow when I go shopping, they would slot seamlessly into my wardrobe! Xx

    1. I could see these working in your wardrobe actually. You could rotate these with your new biker boots. Don't tell me - another stint in the Dartford Tolls? You're a hardened shopper (like me).

  2. That's a great coat for this time of year - looks great with rest of the outfit. I love the style and fabric and it looks expensive too!!

    1. Well it looks more expensive than £23 so I am more than happy. I have good feelings about this coat - I will get at least £23 wear out of it I am sure. I'm trying to wear more clothes I like rather than just practical for being around the boys. This year, there is no having to carry George so I'm not worried about muddy footmarks on my coats. Woo hoo!

  3. You crack me up! And you look fabulous. Love the jumper and the coat.

    1. Thank you! And I take it you've experienced the joys of America's Next Top Model somewhere in the past?

      Honestly - these self portrait photos with head included - so difficult! I applaud everyone who does it and doesn't look bogeyed.

    2. Oh yes! Used to enjoy it before it all got a bit repetitive. And I agree about the self-portraits, very tricky to photograph.

  4. LOVE this look - it screams style at me and I love the boots too - I'm now totally inspired to get a pair (from somewhere) and wear this look

    Thank you!

    1. Go on Fiona - let's see what you can pull out of the bag - I reckon you can do it and then I want to see the pictures

  5. I really need to learn how to smile with my eyes, must ask my girls how to do it, they watch it! What a fab coat for the price, would I have bought it "hell yeah" and love the Boots, I am still lusting after the Ash Jalouse! x

    1. Sharron - get the boots and put yourself out of your misery. What colour and what size? I will make it my personal mission to hunt them down for you :o)

  6. Those boots are perfect! I hope Gap bring them here...I've never looked at their boots before. And 23 squids for a coat - blimey - what a great deal - it looks lovely on you. Keep smizing - you're so pretty:)

    1. I don't normally look at Gap footwear or when I have, they look really nice but fitted me really badly but these were good so I'm happy.

      Smizing is very similar to smirking did you know that ;o?

  7. Lovely coat...lovely boots... great 'smize' too!

    Know what you mean about 'looking odd' coming naturally. I stand in front of mirror with no camera - look (unless completely deluded!) reasonably OK. Stand in front and try to take picture - look all disjointed and unnatural! :-)

    1. Thank you Ash.

      Can't quite crack this looking at the camera thing. Can't quite crack the gorilla tripod either so I think I am best sticking with the tried and tested camera infront of face pose. I'm much the same as you, I look in the mirror - a.okay. I take a picture - v.v.bad.

    2. I thought it was just me. sort of relieved, yet...

  8. You are one funny lady! I love tweeds and your coat looks fab! Oh how I miss ANTM in the good old days.

    1. Haven't watched ANTM for a good few years but who can forget the smizing with the eyes?

      Glad you are okay.

  9. Your all hype up for the winter. Cold be damn but style and looks comes first. lol You look really good.
    Eagan Fitness Center

    1. Thank you Devlin. Unseen by the human public is a thermal vest underneath too. It's not all glamour on here you know.

  10. Hello Dear! I like your blog so much! This is my first visit here but definitely not the last :) Would you like to follow each other? :)


    1. Thank you Monika for stopping by. I will pop over to see your blog!

  11. Hey there, love the coat. Really stylish,yet warm and cosy looking too And what a price?!! Nice one! Liking the boots too, although I've yet to find any footwear in Gap that is comfortable. All in all, big thumbs up for that outfit :)

    1. Yup! What's not to love about a £23 coat which I am actually getting my wear out of. I wouldn't say I look to Gap normally for footwear, like you say, not that comfortable but these were good for a change. And thank you for the thumbs up.

  12. Lovely coat! I've just discovered your blog, you've got great style!

    1. Thank you Charlotte - really nice of you to drop past. Just been looking through your blog - you like to travel girl!

  13. Ahaha, love the smize! Unfortunately I'm also one of those small people who just can't seem to pull off the cocoon coat, but I also think it just clashes with the silhouettes of the clothing I usually tend to wear. But anyway, you pull it off well, and that price is pretty amazing too!

    1. Oh I'm sure you could. If you can fit in those Lily Pullitzer dresses, you can't be that big and I'm only a titch myself. I tend to like most things which cover me up a bit even though I shouldn't.

  14. I die laughing at the smize! A hilarious but still lovely picture! Hand't heard of that phrase before, but I'm a bit odd in the sense that I never watch tv (just copious amounts of crap on youtube!)

    Very nice coat though - appalled at lack of pockets. Are they nuts? Did it save them time and money to omit them? What I often do is check to see if there are any hiding in the lining, for often what seems like a pocketless coat can be rectified with just a few stabs with the unpicker. it took me 12 months to release my Toast tweed's pockets this way, I am ashamed to admit.

    It's quite a lovely colour too, and I can see how versatile this will be for you, too. Also liking the buckle on the booties!

    1. You've got to smize with the eyes! Really blooming difficult actually - makes you look a bit like you're sucking a lemon. I remember one model (not on ANTM) that she used to stick her tongue up to the roof of her mouth when her mouth was closed as it made her cheekbones more defined- well you learn a new useless thing every day!). I used to watch more rubbish than I do now only because all the men in the house are tv hogs.

      The coat - I genuinely think there are no pockets but I might have another go at unpicking to see. They were really well sewn down which leads me to think there is nothing when I get through. But if that is the case, at least I can stick my hands in my lining or send it to Hong Kong with my sister to see if someone will be so kind as to sew some pockets in for me .... or I might do it myself.

      Part of me wants me to get some boots which are more "different" but you know what - they work with my wardrobe and isn't that sometimes what it's all about? I don't want to be misled by other people's styles and find myself lumbered with some very high studded boots because they are just that little more happening than my suede booties.

  15. Ha ha... the America's next top model reference. Well you had my vote with that last pic (smize) for sure! Very sultry :) I have to say I LOVE your cocoon coat Sue. I hear you about feel drowned in oversized coats with being more petite (me... vertically challenged) but this really works for you. Love the sweater too. I miss Aubin & Wills. They do some great basics especially the knits. I stock up when I visit the UK.

    xx Mandi

    1. But you look so lovely in your IM David coat. I have serious envy on that one - I even tried a Zara Wannabee on but just looked so daft that I didn't even try to convince myself over it. Oh - there won't be much time to stock up - they're shutting shop in the New Year. Even their Christmas stock is starting to go in the sale after being launched about two weeks ago. I weep ....

  16. hahaha....I remember how Tyra Banks would always show her version of "smize" in the earlier series. LOL! You did a great job smizing into the camera :P On one hand, I love cocoon coats because well..they're comfy and I can put on as many thick layers as I want because of the generous cut. BUT if I'm not careful, I end up looking like the Michelin man.

    1. That's exactly why I love this coat - so many layers I can fit in underneath and nobody knows ... well they might know a bit when I walk round with my arms out like a weeble because I have too many layers on to move like a normal person.

  17. Love the outfit. I just bought very similar suede booties from the Gap. I swear I have a few looks that are as casual as those boots.

    1. You do? Honestly? You kid?

    2. I thought the booties were from a different store. Did not realize from The Gap! So funny!

  18. The smizing worked. I can't believe you got that coat in NEXT of all places. It always amazes me how other women manage to find great treasures in Primark and Next, yet when I enter those two all that is left on the shop floor is utter rubbish. Amazing.

    1. I told you - it was fate that led me to the coat. I don't shop in Next very often but it's next door to Sainsburys and when next door, it would be rude not to pop in for the hell of it. Though I bought this online. And I would never never never ever get up at stupid hours to shop a Next sale ... like some people I know do.

  19. I actually think the tartan skirt from my last blog post would look better on you than on me. It's quite bulky and it gave me extra width in the hips and I really don't need that. I think it would look better on someone more lithe.
    The only thing might be the lenght. I don't know how tall you are, but if that is the problem, you can always take it to dry cleaners for them to shorten the hem.

    1. Kristina - I'm a midget. I would look like one of those toilet roll dolls. And that's not good. But it is still a great skirt.

  20. love the coat...reminds me of one I had in you remember when tweed was in back then - we wore really outsize baggy tweed coats(you're probably not old enough) Am digging the ankle boots too.

    1. Well in 1985 I was 15 so I have vague recollections. Was that round about the Breakfast Club time when everyone looked like they were wearing clothes too big for them?

  21. Enjoyed your post.. Great coat...a really smart buy! Cocoon coats, as you probably know, are a must have this season...
    haha I try to smile with my eyes too but you can't see it in my posts because I usually wear glasses. I also tried to develop a signature pose. It took me 1 year to find one..Thank you for your lovely comment. I know Suzy Quattro :)


    1. I will have to try and see if I can work out your signature pose. There's not a lot you can do with a spare hand when the other one is occupied with a camera :0)

  22. love the coat!!! xx

    1. I have to say you don't look like you would have much call for it where you are. Love your Converse - I'm still trying to distress mine.

  23. What a GREAT outfit, Sue! I cannot believe you got that coat from Next Directory. I never look at Next Directory either... but I should. That coat looks good quality and it looks expensive!

    And those greige boots... I love them. I am sorry I didn't even consider them during the 30% off week. I think I've got too many (black) booties. My closet doesn't take another pair of boots. Next year, maybe...

    1. I on the other hand need some really nice black booties. I saw the perfect pair the other day when I had a nosey in the Kooples. Now haunted by them ... oh dear.

  24. LOL. Smize? I should try that when I finally decide to frighten the blogsphere with my face :)

    1. I doubt that very much indeed. Maybe one day when you feel like it. I found it easier once I got it over with and it's not such a shock to people any more. We are always our own worst critic (unless we are deluded).

  25. *THIS* is how behind I am with your blog posts . Amazing boots - was about to say that Iva has them too but I notice she's already commented. Great coat too - love an aul bargain me! Off now to read the next few posts…better than SPOTY any day! xx


2025Susie So So