We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo .....

Sunday, 17 June 2012

............actually, we're just going to Grandma's house.  

Parrot 1 & Cat 1

Dog 1 and Chicken 1 & Chicken 2 of 10

Parrot 2 and Cat 2

..... but it sometimes feels like we're going to the zoo.  

And do you know how scary and difficult it is to take pictures of a huge big beaked parrot?

Parrot Out Takes

Especially when it flies at you?

..... oh and did I mention Dog 2 and Dog 3 were a bit camera shy today?  So once again, we're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo, how about you? you? you? ......


  1. LOL! Boy, that's a zoo! I thought owning 3 dogs and a cat equated to a small menagerie but parrots???!

    1. Yeah - that big blue one hates me - squawks at me everytime I walk past it. And the grey one just gives you the evil eye. And the chickens don't like me because I didn't feed them. Do you know, I have a new respect for all these wildlife photographers out there! And you - you just know how to take a perfect photo - my hubby has been laughing at how bad my photo taking is and it's not getting any better. He keeps saying "composition, composition, dear!"


Susie So So