Friday Five : 30 June 2017

Friday, 30 June 2017

A bit of hot weather and a serious bout of hayfever has left me rather grumpy and not in the mood for blogging these past couple of weeks but hey, I'm here now and I've pulled my finger out. What's been happening in my world?

Friday Five (1 of 5) Pen Pineapple Apple Pen

ASOS Pineapple Pyjamas (limited sizes)
These are also lovely.

A while back, the boys came home from school chanting that horrid earwig. It fell out of favour but now that I've discovered those pj's up there, I can't get it out of my head again. For those wondering if they've seen something like this before, well yes you probably have. Desmond and Dempsey do the official posh pineapple pj's as sported by Alex from The Frugality ....

Source : The Frugality
Desmond & Dempsey Pyjamas available here (when I've saved up).

Anyway, my version are quite a bit cheaper and obviously not so luxe but they will do nicely till that time comes when I can splash out on pj's again .... when the boys have left home and can fend for themselves .... and by which time, I'm probably more likely to be found sporting a fetching winceyette nightie rather than deluxe pineapple pyjamas.

Friday Five (2 of 5) Mexico Vibes

I actually bought this little embroidered top from Topshop when I ordered the little floral tea dress I featured a few weeks back. Then I returned it along with the dress. Then I ordered it again because I'm like that. It's also a good affordable alternative to this lovely Sezane one.

Friday Five (3 of 5) Easy Iron

Dylon Easy Iron (available at Waitrose)

Honestly, I never said this blog was all glamour and stuff but I have to say I whooped a little when I came across a can of this spray Easy Iron stuff. I'd run out of my previous can and hadn't seen it on the shelves of the supermarket of late but then I found it at Johnson's Dry Cleaners in Sainburys. I nabbed it. It's a silicone spray and basically it makes those really difficult and rather tough creased items a doddle to iron. You know, those cotton shirts you leave at the bottom of the pile for weeks because you can't face them and eventually when you get round to them, you spend the time cursing and spitting feathers because it's a mare to iron. Well it's brilliant on stuff like that. Don't confuse it with spray starch, this doesn't make the fabric stiff. Just makes your iron glide. I love it.

Friday Five (4 of 5)

I tried this on in store today and took a size 36 (UK10) in to the changing room. I didn't manage to take a changing room pic as my phone was about to conk out but it's nice. 100% cotton and quite whooshy but not outlandish big. It's actually labelled as a cotton tunic rather than a dress but between friends, I'd call it a dress. Well it's a dress on me.

Friday Five (5 of 5) It's not the end ... it's just the beginning.

I'm not allowed to wash this apparently.

The eldest had his last day in Primary School today (sob) and they all got to sign each other's shirts. It's the end of one part of his life but on Monday, begins the next chapter, High school. He gets a three week transition period in his new school so  that when they start in September, they are familiar with the setup and everything. I think it's good but crikey, doesn't time fly past at the speed of Concorde? On a slightly more humorous note, I have a friend who is a teacher who said that when some of the Yr 6's left at her school, they drew some rather dubious appendages and body parts on some of the school shirts. I think we got off lightly though I think someone pointed out what looked to be a little like a nipple and some boobies on one of the shirts. 🙈


  1. Oh Sue your blog posts cheer me up so much. I can't picture you in a wyncyette nightie somehow - even if you are a granny!! And what a refreshing antidote to the weeping and wailing posts all over social about kids leaving primary school. It's a new beginning and we are privileged to guide them to this next stage of their lives. Just as we will be privileged to wave farewell when they are ready to leave home...and then rush back indoors to order posh PJ's 🤣

    1. Avril, I have the most dubious night attire - I really feel for the Grumps so my new pj's are positively posh in comparison. And I had a little tear at the leaving ceremony but the actual leaving - it was okay. The kids were fine and to be honest, Ben is ready and raring to get on that school bus on Monday so I'm just grateful that he's all on board and with it. It's what we prepare them for isn't it? xxx

  2. Love those pj's! Great spot. And I am definitely in need of some spray can ironing help... a domestic goddess I'm not: need all the help, any which way I can!

    That's such a great idea about the 3 week transition- they still just do taster days in these backwaters. Hope his first couple of days have gone well! Xx

    1. I am so behind with the ironing - I keep finding things that I get sidetracked by - like ordering summer school uniforms which don't fit! But a lot of schools do just taster days but for some reason, the one Ben is going to, does a three week transition. Even a one week would have been enough but this will really prepare them. I think one day isn't quite enough somehow as well - they've barely arrived and they're off again. But so far he's loving high school - especially the food. Well it's got to be an improvement on primary school offerings. x


2025Susie So So