What a Vision

Monday, 10 April 2017

Basket (old)
H&M Sunglasses (old but similar here)
Primark Camisole (old but similar here)
Zara Jeans (old)
Wacoal Vision Bra (new - hurrah!!!!)

When I was a young whipper snapper with a hot bod .... err, let's start again, to be honest, I never had a hot bod but when I was younger, I made it a case in point to only have lovely underwear. I remember ordering from the Grattan catalogue (in the 80s) my first broderie anglaise cotton camisole and French knickers. They came, I fell in love and that was it. My affair with pretty undergarments was pretty much sealed. This was back in the day where you used to snip out a coupon in the back of a magazine or newspaper to order a tomb of a catalogue which got delivered to your doorstep. You then had to put your order on a form and mail it. Then you had to wait patiently many days for it to arrive and then you paid for your goods (sometimes in instalments) by a cheque in the post or a postal order. Those were the days eh? I don't miss them. All hail online shopping. 

This love of pretty lingerie went on quite a few years and I always smiled when I opened my underwear drawer as it was filled with lovely things. When I moved out and had my first house and did my own laundry, I was most put out that someone had stolen my underwear off my line one day and then I thought "good taste mate" before I reported it to the police that there was a knicker thief on the loose. 

Many years have passed and though I still look at pretty lingerie, I buy it a lot less often and usually plump for function over form. And I feel the cold too and because I don't want everyone else to know it, I usually plump for something padded. I used to have a rather cheeky work comrade who liked to comment about the weather quite loudly "I see it's rather cold today Sue" whilst staring at my chest. I let him off on the grounds that he was gay.

I digress. 

Anyway, what I wanted to say was the weather is getting warmer, I've decided to up my undies game, there's no gay work buddy and no freezing air con and I'm going to give those young French girls a run for their money (they have a thing for flashing their bras on IG).

So do you like my new bra? You do? Me too!


Last Note :

  • The first time I came across Wacoal was in a department store in Hong Kong and it looked pretty bland, serviceable and the term "man repelling" would have been deemed quite apt. The latest range looks as far from that as you can imagine. I cannot believe it is the one and same. Take a peek here
  • I have to admit, I'm pretty impressed with the Wacoal collection given my previous encounter and perception. It's beautifully made and finished. What a surprise. What a treat.
  • If you don't have too much on top, can I ask you to take a look at this? I have this and can vouch that it's stunning in real life and feels a little more supportive than most bralettes I've tried.
  • I don't mind bra straps showing too much as long as they're not dirty. #bignono

* Vision Bra {& matching pants not seen)  c/o Wacoal


  1. How shopping times have changed, I can't imagine many people today would want to have to shop from a catalogue in the old fashioned way. I still remember it well but I think I prefer the more modern way to shop now.

    1. Oh absolutely. I need the quick and instant fix. x

  2. Ooh la la Sue! You are certainly rivaling those super cool French chicks with this pretty little thing! I seriously need to up my lingerie game, I do love the lacey look under my summery tops! Very envious of your gorgeous flatlay too! xx

    1. It's kind of nice doing a flatlay when you have lots of pretty things to play with like lacy bras and cute props. And apart from being nearly two decades over the cool French chicks, I think I've got this nailed! x


2025Susie So So