Friday Five : 10 Mar 17

Friday, 10 March 2017

The weather is finally picking up. We've had ooh at least two and a bit days of sunshine this week and the world feels so much better. Agreed? Anyway, here's my Friday Five.

Friday Five (1 of 5) Birkalikes
Surprise success sandals of the last couple of years has been my white Birkenstock Arizonas. And having looked around at all manner of sandals coming in over the last few weeks, I found myself coming back to these Topshop Falcon sandals time and time again. I took delivery of them, tried them on, did the once around the room circuit, had a peek in the mirror to see they didn't look horrid on my feet and legs and popped them back in the box. That means they're good. If I dilly dally with something, then that means I'm not sure but these I just knew they were great from the off - no doubts. They have enough cushioning underfoot and if there is one thing I do know from experience, I hate it when I can feel the ground slapping a little too hard on my heels through paper thin soles. Oh yes, and  they go with so much, Didn't you know "tiger is a neutral? I didn't till I took delivery of these. #leopardisover

Friday Five (2 of 5) Round Bag

Last week I told you how I'd got the hots for Catherine's round straw bag. This week, I've spotted this one and I'm wondering if I can work a little magic on it to give it a bit of ooh la la. And there's a 30% discount till midnight on this bag so now's the time to hit the button and take a delivery. #buynoworcrylater

Friday Five (3 of 5) Slogans

You go and do your own slogan jumper and then realise you could have saved yourself time, needle and thread and an embroidery hoop by asking Lisa to do one for you. I spotted these slogan sweats on the IG feed of one of the ladies (Hi Gillian) I follow and went to have a gander to see who was making these sweatshirts. Basically, Lisa can hand embroider the slogan of your choice on a sweatshirt for you. She's just getting her business off the ground so there is no website as yet but if you want one, just send her a direct message via IG. #whenyoubuyfromasmallbusinessanactualpersondoesalittlehappydance

Friday Five (4 of 5) Khaki

Primark Khaki Skirt (in store)
Topshop Falcon Sandals

I bought a khaki pleated skirt this week after seeing Bean in hers. She's one cool little mother pukka and I love her Sunday Seven feature on her blog - it's a bit like this Friday Five but she does a coverage of seven cool covetable items each week. 

Everything Topshop bar the Veja's. 
(Pics from Bean)

I was originally looking at the grey version but promptly swerved to the khaki after seeing Bean's skirt. I rather like it. I have decided that I will be wearing more skirts and dresses this summer. You heard it here but don't hold me to it. #khakimallarkey

Friday Five (5 of 5) Late

Me with four of the late books.

I got a text to say that some library books were overdue today which resulted in a hunt around the house for seven books. Texts like that make me feel really guilty. A bit like when you get a text to say you are in arrears by £2.10 for your boy's lunch account. Anyway, I owed them 15p at the library for the late books. #pfffft

Anything rocking you in your world this week?


  1. I could read your tales all day long Sue... love them. The tiger print is totally apt after you 'little but fierce slogan too!
    Thank you so much of the shout out: you are way kind, lady! And my un-glam secret with that skirt is that I wear an anti-static underskirt with it, unless its properly hot. I know - not glam, but it works... I'm certain you can work some magic on that bag: you have enough craftiness-skills to do it I reckon. Go for it! Xx

    1. It's just ramblings of a suburban housewife you know that don't you Bean? But glad to know that about the underskirt - something to bear in mind and I've still to find time to work out how to do my own basket. It might not ever take off that idea - might just have to go and buy one! x


2025Susie So So