Jigsaw Pom Pom

Sunday, 21 September 2014

I first clapped eyes on one of these early on in May when I saw a few Instagram and Facebook pics of them from the Jigsaw press day and my gut reaction was "I WANT ONE!". There's no explanation - these things just get me.

And just recently, they've started cropping up again in my Instagram and Facebook feeds so I started stalking the Jigsaw website to see when they were coming online. Guess what - they've arrived!

I spotted them last week and the lovely inky blue one was only available in a few London stores. Pah! I even tried to to convince the Grumps to swing past one whilst in London but unfortunately he was on the wrong side of town. Pah! x 2

Anyway, the inky blue one finally became available online (stalk and ye shall find!) and free postage & packaging appeared too so guess what's turned up in the post? My pom pom keyring! 

It's so cute!


  1. I got this the other day! So cute. I want them in more colours now. :D

    1. It was tough deciding between the colours but the inky blue was definitely at the top of my list. My second choice is the dusky pink rather than the fuchsia. Wouldn't it be great to have the whole family though?

  2. Oh, I wasn't even aware of these. Definitely cute. :)

    1. I don't go a bundle on cute things but these are cute in a non Chinese overkill way. They're cute and cool!

  3. Gosh Sue! You are so determined when you want something ;0) I think this cute keyring was definitely worth all the leg work, it's gorgeous! I love the way Marlene is sporting hers on her Louis Vuitton bag xx

    1. Oh I know - but once I get it in my head, it's all or nothing! And free p&p made it that little bit better.

  4. Cute! I might never leave the house, though. Don't you just want to spend all day fiddling about with it?!

    1. Desperately trying not to stroke it - it's quite irresistible. It will probably be bald by the end of September.

  5. Love these little handbag accessories and blue is definitely my fave!

    1. And mine as you can see - I just love the inky blue of this one - it's like the silliest thing but the colour makes it that little bit more discreet - you know me - I can't do anything to the max.

  6. Love it! Have seen them on Instagram & Twitter also and just think they're the cutest things ever. On my Xmas Wish List :)

    1. Buy one now and bill someone for it - they will be gone by Christmas!

  7. Love it - looks perfect with the LV bag! X

    1. It does - shame that the bag belongs to Marlene and not me. It's where I spotted the key rings first on her Facebook feed and she couldn't understand why I wanted one. But want one I did!

  8. How utterly cute is that. Love your doodles too. Do you think the doodle bug might catch on?

    1. I'm not sure about the doodle bug. It's just that it's so darned cute, it looks like it should be some kind of furry creature! And so I turned it into one. Do you remember those pompoms you could get with goggly eyes and stick on feet you can get? It looks like one of those doesn't it?

  9. It is so cute. You'd think it would talk. Like a Furby, remember those?

    1. I remember Furbys. (shhh! I had one - even though I was a full grown working woman at that point).

      I'm more inclined to go with a Flump? What say you?

  10. I want one! So cute and looks fab with the LV x

    1. I'm not getting an LV! I can't afford one! The pompom I can afford though ;o)

  11. Replies
    1. Go on - would look so cool on some of those lovely bags of yours.

  12. Cute, and you dont even need to feed it! xx

  13. When they first came out I wasn't sure, but they have so grown on me! Love your colour x

  14. It's like a little pet that keeps on giving!


2025Susie So So