Back to School

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Well the boys have been back in school the last few days and my sanity is slowly being restored. First day back was this Tuesday just gone. And for once, I was all prepared and ready. I had their uniforms hanging up ready, everything labelled, P.E. bags assembled, drinks bottles done. We even walked it to school. And I was so prepared - I was the first person through the school gates and 15 minutes early and believe me that never happens! I am that mother throwing one child through one doorway and charging across the playground with the other trying to scrape through before they lock the doors. Don't believe me? Ask the other mums.

This was  my ensemble ....

Old top, H&M jeans, Manebi espadrilles

A pretty top for the lovely sunny morning it was on Tuesday. I was a happy soul and it was nice to catch up with the other mums in the playground who I've not seen since the start of the holidays. 

Anyway, do I have any tips after 4 years doing the school run?

Yes - two tips actually. The first tip is take a big bag with you to help with all their gumph that they lug along. First day of school and I was feeling kind and I wanted to make sure I didn't forget anything so I crammed everything in to my Kate Moss freebie tote which the sales assistant let me keep when I returned the Kate Moss Topshop boho top earlier this year.

As you can see, it fits a lot ...

.... and on some days, there will be even more ....

More often than not, when they finish school, they come running out with bottles, lunch bags, coats, jumpers and some weird recycled structure they have made from a cereal box and a kitchen roll tube (no toilet roll tubes are allowed anymore believe it or not (health and safety gone mad)). They will then proceed to throw all this stuff at you. This is where the bag comes in to it's own - just throw everything in instead of dropping bits left right and centre as you try to keep up with them racing off down the street. I usually let them carry some of their own stuff but some times I take pity and help them out ... like when I see them trailing their jumpers along the floor and I can't stand it any more - arghgh!

And the second tip - label their clothes. Especially if you have same sex siblings. I have George who is 5 and Ben who is 8. What happens through the year is the smaller sibling grows and the older siblings clothes shrink. There comes a point where it's a bit touch and go and you don't know whose clothes belong to whom. So label them for your own sanity and your older child's dignity as well as the sensible reason that you can easily find them in the school's lost property. I can tell you hand on heart that Ben was not impressed when he came home from sports club wearing George's P.E. t-shirt which looked like a crop top on him. #truestory


Last Note :

  • Any little gems you want to pass on to help with the school run? I already know the one about a good coat to hide all sins i.e. you're actually still in your pyjamas!


  1. It may be an old top but it is really lovely Sue. Oh how I miss the hustle and bustle of the school run - not!

    1. I have to admit, I really enjoy the school hols just for not having to do the school run. I've got quite a few more years of this yet!

  2. I'm so glad I don't have to do the school run. The thought of that particular "catwalk" terrifies me. Especially in London, where I'm pretty sure all the Mums would look perfect and I would be the messy, disheveled one. You, however, pull it off perfectly. Love that top in particular.

    1. It's not as terrifying as you think - or at least not where I live. It might be a whole lot more competitive where you are in London but we are a lot more chilled here. Stick to your own look and own it. I don't do anything catwalk worthy because I'm not that way inclined or too on trend but if I look okay and I'm comfortable, that's enough. And I don't comb my hair most days - so I'd be right at home with you in the playground.

  3. Love rediscovering old stuff to wear again - your top is great! I do the school run with only my youngest now. All of my 3 wore rucksacks and I carried any extras from time to time - I had to be quite strict about that having 3. Did you mention a little snack for the walk back? It saves moaning and fights breaking out.
    It still helps me to plan what to wear in the morning after consulting the weather forecast the night before.

    1. I think we were discouraged from rucksacks originally as they took up so much room on the cloakroom pegs so consequently, we've never had them. Ben's getting better at carrying his own stuff these days but in the early days, if he could get away with it he did. And I have to say, I never plan what I wear until I look out of the window and see what the weather's like. And I've never done snacks on the way home - it's not that far so I've not had to.

  4. Not only do I label the clothes, I label the drawers. Sounds mental, I know, but I have four boys - and it means usually, they can find what they need in the morning themselves. Everything gets mixed up throughout the year but at the moment, it looks perfect!

    1. I love how we all start off with such good intentions at the start of the school year. So far, I've managed to walk every day and one of the mums is being particularly encouraging - she knows I'm not a walker. The idea about the drawers is good - my problem is I never seem to fill everything fast enough!

  5. I find it so frustrating when they come running outs hands full, 'why don't you put it in your bag?' I ask, 'no time Mummy' I get back, arrrrgh! Love that top on you, looks gorgeous. I've just started my fourth year of school runs and I'm still that Mum who's dashing her through the gates. First day showed promise, we were there before the gates opened, second day, back to normal!!!x

    1. Oh good - you're another one like me! I'm the one usually going the opposite way to all the other mums - they're coming out of the playground as I'm rushing in. I usually scrape it but I've done good so far this term - I've been early every morning. I know it won't last.

  6. You are one very stylish school run mum Sue! That is a perfect school run ensemble and has inspired what I'm going to wear today! I am thankful that I no longer have to do what I call the 'walk of shame' where the other mums all check you out as now my daughter is in year 4, I can drop her off and pick her up at the school gate! I still look like a pack horse on the journey to and from school though, something tells me that won't change until she goes to secondary school! xx

    1. It's something really easy to wear. A top which does all the work and which you don't need to tug at and pull in to place or anything. If you feel comfortable, that's half the battle. I'm slowly building up an arsenal of these kind of tops - you always look like you've tried a little with minimum effort. And I still have to brave the playground - I have George small dude.

      And laughing at the looking like a pack horse - there have been days when I've been like that despite all my best laid plans.

  7. Beautiful top Sue.
    Ugh this will be me next year - I am dreading it already! x

    1. Keri - it will feel strange a couple of times but you will make some friends and it will be fine. One of the most important things you can do is to make friends with other mums - they will be your support network. If you're running late, or something has happened, it's nice to have someone you can ask for a little bit of help from and vice versa. Just remember - chill.

  8. My new motto is....trains don't wait for people as I scream at my son. He always decides to go for a poo just before we set off for the train station!! It's stressful. On a brighter note, love your outfit x

    1. That's like me in the mornings just before I open the door to head out. I am like a little fishwife yelling at the boys to get their act together! I have surprised myself this last week - I've not had to yell at them too much but I've had to put up with a lot of whining from the youngest who is a chip off the old block and hates walking and moans all the way (I'm not a big walker either).

  9. Looking lovely for the school run, Sue. Such a pretty blouse. Lynne x

    1. Thank you Lynne. Hope you're settling back in well.


Susie So So