Leopards and Cheetahs

Friday, 27 September 2013

This is a leopard.

This is a cheetah.

Both gorgeous and both will have you for lunch if you don't run fast enough. But go back and have another look at the difference in spots. One has holey spots and one has solid spots. But the fashion industry rarely differentiates and lumps them under the one and same. As do I normally but I needed something to write about in this post so here I am making this up as I go along. Besides do you ever hear anyone going around mumbling about cheetah print? It's all about the leopard and you've got to give the cheetah, it's dues - it's pretty magnificent too. But they work alongside each other pretty well here don't you think? 

H&M jumper, Falmer chinos, Freebie bag, Next cheetah pumps.

The leopard bag by Alice Temperley helps lift another classic non descript outfit and was a cute freebie which I bought Harpers Bazzar magazine for (yes I am that sad). Some days are pretty full on with two pack ups, two school bags, 2 P.E. bags and 2 coats and 2 jumpers to bring home on the school run so a big bag is required. The getting the boys to carry their own stuff is not quite working as planned.

Just call me Muggins.


Have a lovely weekend everyone!


  1. You have totally schooled me on those spots. I once was ignorant, but now I hold the knowledge. And people think fashion blogs are frivolous! ;) The bag is super cute and I do love those free magazine giveaways (it's one thing that I will definitely miss when we move back to the US, and will probably mean less magazine purchases for me - what, no free mascara or tote bag? forget it!) and I LOVE the shoes. But then, you knew I was going to say that didn't you?


    1. Did I not tell you that I was the font of all useless knowledge? But now you know and you will always be able to pick out your cheetahs from your leopards thus going forward.

      And I love freebies with magazines but I am also mad enough to be put off a magazine because I don't want the freebie with it. Works both ways with me. And do they not give you freebies in the US with mags or something? How peculiar.

    2. Nope, no freebies in the US. And they wonder why glossy sales are going down...

      ps - sorry it took me ages to get back to you, once again I forgot to come back and check your old posts for the replies. Please let us subscribe to comments.... please?


  2. Thank you for pointing out the difference! I do so love a spot of Leopard or Cheetah print for that matter! Cute bag, sure beats a hand cream freebie x

    1. Now I know you like a bit of Bet as they say. And yes, how many hand creams does a girl need? Or mascaras for that matter. A good tote bag goes a lot further with me. Especially really cute ones like this.

  3. Oh I do love a tote and a freebie one at that! It's lovely and looks great with what you're wearing!! Xx

    1. This is one I've had hanging around which I didn't use as it was white but I looked at it the other day and thought what the heck and just pulled it out. It needs to earn it's keep. And now that it's been used, it's being thrown all over the place. Not so pristine any more.

  4. I was laughing at my youngest one day when she told me she saw a lady buying cheetah leggings,I always refer to everything as leopard when I see that print! I will now know the difference next time:)

    1. And when you pick up anything now with an animal spot print, I bet you'll be saying "thats a lovely leopard print" or "that's a lovely cheetah print" just because you know!

  5. Your snippets of knowledge are fantastic Sue! Love to learn something new everyday and now I shall be able to tell the difference between a leopard and cheetah.....thank you!

    I bought Harpers for that gorgeous tote! Yours looks so pristine.....sadly mine did not fare too well as I used it for a beach bag on holiday so now it's covered in suncream and sand but hey ho it was lovely while it lasted! It looks great with your pumps!

    1. I have a quibble with the bag - I wish it had been made of a canvas rather than the coated fabric it is as it would be softer and more flexible. And the print has smudged a little too. But I shouldn't moan too much as it was technically free and the magazine wasn't that bad. I wouldn't have bought it if it had been in Cosmo.

  6. I LOVE this post Sue, thank you for teaching me about the differences! Pleeeease tell me that tote is current and I haven't missed out????x

    1. Err it's not current and you missed out. Sorreeee. It was last year's I'm afraid. I know you like a bit of leopard print too.

  7. Falmer wow that a brand that was big in the 80's on form as normal sue, nice

    1. Big in the 80's but I wore them in the 2000's. Not that on form :o(

  8. That's such a good bag! I must have missed that one or I would have bought the magazine. The freebies in magazines are definitely better than they used to be. Recently I've had some great hand creams etc - perfect to pop in a handbag.

    1. I have hand cream freebies coming out of my ears. I just stockpile them and they come in handy when my poor dry hands say "feed me now". I'm a bit rubbish at this self maintenance thing.

  9. Well, hello Muggins! I am Muggins, too, but you have to choose your battles, no? And at least you get to sport a fab, witty bag. I love it. Said the woman who dressed her children while they watch TV and eat breakfast. Muggins I am, too.

    1. Find me a mother who's not been a Muggins at one point or another. But yep - choose your battles. They never lose - it's usually me who's holding the grudge at the end (or the school bags) :o(

  10. that's actually a pretty nice bag for a magazine freebie! wouldn't have guessed sue. seems like a really good roomy tote for everyday - no wonder you bought the mag (i would have done the same - we've been getting a lot of notebooks as freebies here for some reason)

    steph / absolutely-fuzzy.com

  11. I still find myself lugging bags for my middle son and he is 10. I don't know how I end up with them as I say I won't but by the time we hit the hill I am loaded down :( Love the bag - I so would have got the magazine for that bag!

    1. I don't think this stops until they get to high school when they go off on the bus themselves. Just a few more years to go then!

  12. I googled Ocelot and then spent quite a long time at looking at the cute little Ocelot cubs on Youtube. But you're right - that is a rocking print!

  13. You ALWAYS crack me up. Thanks for being the bright spot in my day :P

  14. Arrgh..you got me on this.. I don't know the difference b/w them and conveniently calls those spots, leopard prints! LOL.


2025Susie So So