All the D's. Double Denim, the Devil, DHL & Drugs

Wednesday 10 July 2013

I was having a chat with the nice DHL man today. He was coming to pick up an item I was returning (Zoe Karssen bat sweatshirt - absolutely teeny weeny - don't believe what they say on the website - relaxed fit my backside! No vanity sizing here whatsoever - yeah - I'm going off on one) and delivering something else (skim over that bit).

If you've bought from NAP before and you're doing a return, you know that the DHL man turns up, has a peek in the box which you have to leave open for them to inspect before they sign some papers, seal the box and wave bye bye. Normally it's a cursory glance but today, the DHL man actually took the sweatshirt out of the tissue paper and had a damned good rummage through the mounds of tissue paper lining the box. It turns out that he was checking for drugs. DRUGS. Apparently, they found drugs in a parcel (not NAP related) not so long ago so all the couriers have to do major checking of parcels now. Well that was my interesting bit of news for the day. I live in suburbia so that's major.

Anyway, the hot weather has brought out the devil in me. I wore a skirt more than 1 inch above the knee. I've been taking in the fashion show in the school playground - yes there were lots of maxi dresses, some shorts but there were also some mini skirts and little dresses ... on ladies of all ages and sizes. And no one was fussed. It was too hot for anyone to care. So I dug out my little denim mini'ish skirt which came at a mini price of £3.70 from Matalan last year. Surprised me too when it rang up at the tills at that price.

And the sun must have gone to my head over the last couple of days because I did double denim too.

Zara shirt, Matalan skirt (old), Converse (old), Russell & Bromley bag (old), Susie Ho bracelet (not on shop .. yet).

And do you know what? No one batted an eyelid in the school playground or muttered anything about chubby knees and short skirts. Just remember - all those bits we don't like about ourselves - no one else can see the problems - it's all in your own head. And besides, I'm too hot to care.


Last Thing :

  • It was a touch cooler today hence the shirt and Cons, Yesterday? No way José!
  • I finally worked out on the keyboard how to get those funny symbols up.  Look è é ê ë ē ė ę !!!!
  • Small things make me happy. What makes you happy?


  1. You're absolutely right about it being too hot to care ... for the past few days I have ventured forth in SLEEVELESS tops!!!! Unheard of! And you're also right that nobody bats an eyelid .. long may the sun continue to shine:)

    1. Honestly, I used to sit there in my little cardi covering my arms whilst people were looking at me like I was a nutter in the sweltering heat. People are more likely to look at you dressed like that than with bare arms with the weather we're having. And you've ventured beyond the garden with uncovered arms? Well I never!!!

  2. Oh my god! That's crazy. I've only returned one thing with DHL to Shopbop and not sure the courier even looked inside (I'd already taped it shut and left it at reception for pick up).

    Anyway, loving the relaxed look! :)

    1. Normally they barely give it a glance so I was quite surprised this time but at least he explained why.

      And this relaxed look - it's surprisingly easy peasy. I actually had some mini skimmer khakis on and decided to try the skirt instead to see if it was going in the charity bag and lo and behold - it worked. Last minute reprieve.

  3. Double denim, yay! I've been a long time champion of that look. Hehe. Looks good on you.
    Re: the A-wear skirt, it was a last year's buy so I doubt they still stock it.
    I can't even pass it on to you as I'm waaaay larger than you (sadly....*sad face*).

    1. Now you know how to work denim Kristina. You can even do triple denim at that.

      And yes, I am now officially obsessed with finding a similar style skirt to the one you have. Be rest assured, I will get one.

  4. I knew the jewelry shop was just a cover for some class A dealing. Love the double denim - and not a chubby knee in sight:) xx

    1. Ahh rumbled :o)

      I like the double denim too and the weather is the perfect excuse to lose the jeans for a while. Not ready for harem pants yet though. They get a bit lost in translation on me.

  5. You are totally right, no one cares! It's all in our heads. Sometimes we are totally certifiably insane about these things. Always good to have a nice reality check now and again. Love the shirt by the way (and you know I've developed a weakness for double denim). The drug search sounds pretty exciting. How random and odd!

    1. I've been mulling it over since I don't know when and I noticed it most when I was on holiday last year when everyone of all shapes and sizes just wore what the hell they wanted and no one batted an eyelid. Infact I was the only one who looked overdressed in a one piece trying to cover up my tum.

      And why is it okay to dress in tiny shorts and mini skirts abroad but not when on home soil? Not quite figured that one out yet.

      So many ways to do double denim ... I bet you have some interesting takes.

    2. I totally agree that sometimes being on vacation makes you really aware of your weird hangups and sillinesses. You get out of your circle of friends and your local community culture and you see all sorts of people, letting it all hang out, being perfectly comfortable with it, and it's totally fine. Not that I'm saying we should all dress horribly unflatteringly all the time, but we should definitely cut ourselves some slack and ease up on the self-judgement. Obviously I'm directing this rant more at myself than at you, you just helped by bringing it up ;)

    3. Funny thing is, I'm the one dressing as I please probably in your home town as I would regard that as being on my jollies. But yes, I think I've started to cut myself some slack these last couple of years - my epiphany came when I was sat sweltering (7 months pregnant when your body temp is up there anyway) on a lovely hot day ... with a cardigan on because I didn't want to show my arms. Seriously not good. And people only notice your imperfections ... when you point them out.

  6. You look great! Blue really suits you and the double denim. Really like the proportion. I feel the same about my arms, legs....and tummy lol! No one cares but me. However, I'm heat insensitive so it takes more than a British heatwave to entice me into strappy nothings (if I had any).

    1. The shirt is longish actually but straight. The skirt is straight but long but together they work fine. The shirt with jeans is not so good - strange that.

      I think I was a lot more like you SPD a couple of years ago - but age is a good leveller and excuse for doing whatever I want.

  7. But can you do Æ Ø Å? Us Norwegains are so proud of our æ ø å. Also, that skirt looks very good on you! You look cool and relaxed. Chubby knees, pfft. You're insane ;)

    1. Err no. LOL. Oh Maja - you had to go one better and I was so proud of myself for even finding the funny little symbols that I did!

  8. What makes me happy? Reading your blog - I just love your style in clothes and writing.

    I love this DD look - amazing!

    1. Fiona - that's lovely. You're sucking up - what do you want?

      And will I be seeing double denim on your blog soon?

  9. On an Apple Macbook, if you want some funny symbol on like an e, you just hold down the e button and a moment later, it comes up with some options just like that. Surprised the hell out of me. Now the next problem is knowing when to use the correct symbols over the letters.

  10. I don't actually mind double denim too much Sue - I've not done it for a while though must admit! I have a denim skirt very similar in length to yours but it's A-line. Have only worn it in the garden recently but may chance the school run tomorrow and hope no-one notices my multiple thread veins! What make me happy? Warmth and sunshine I think! :)

    1. That Suzi Quattro and Status Quo had a lot to answer for didn't they with their double denim overload.

      I think because I'm wearing a skirt - it seems a little more acceptable because it's a little unexpected and doesn't fall in to normal people's realms of what they consider double denim to be.

      And thread veins? We all have them.

  11. Love this weather and the little symbols - now off to play and see if I can do that too ! XX

  12. Sue you've did it again- totally loving this look on you, so simple yet so chic! The DD works perfectly as the shades of blue are so different and the textures also look to be very different, the shirt looks more chambray I think. Either way, I love it.

    Your totally right by the way, we all have hang ups and most people haven't even got the time to even notice! I hate my knees but really in the grand scheme of things who even cares?! X

    1. Trea - you have great shaped legs - make the most of them - I would. You look fab in mini skirts.

  13. your post title definitely caught my eye - ha. i love this double denim!! can't believe the skirt was such a bargain too, love the colour.

    steph /

    1. Did I reel you in with the title. Sorry for the disappointment and that I wasn't involved in any drugs bust or anything.

  14. Ah...I love this denim on denim look. In fact, I like this whole look. Perfect really! :)

    1. Thank you. On you it would be perfect with a pair of Ferragamos on your feet.

  15. I absolutely agree! We get so hung up on little details about ourselves and actually, nobody cares - they're too busy worrying about themselves. Looking fab as always! Lynne x

    1. Exactly! No one knows what your insecurities are unless you tell them. Until them, work it with confidence and they will never know.


Susie So So