Brief Encounter

Tuesday 20 November 2012

M  :  Would you like to meet?

S  :  Yes.

M  :  Where

S  :  Liberty's ... by the flower stand.

M  :  I'll see you there.

S  :  I'll see you there.

The day arrived, the weather was grey. We met outside the flowers as arranged and hugged. 

We went for coffee and we talked. Two hours later, we came out of the coffee shop and walked a little. We talked some more and we walked some more until our hungry tummies told us we needed to eat. Conversation cannot fuel you alone. We ate and then walked out in to the late afternoon. We walked some more and found ourselves back at Libertys the loveliest store in London. 

We pottered and browsed the store but eventually we had to call it a day. We both needed to go home to our families. Who did I meet for my brief encounter? Marlene.

When in Liberty's - try on some Marant!

Marlene from Chocolate, Cookies and Candies sent me an email asking me if I fancied going up to London to meet. Yes - why not indeed, it's been too many years since I've set foot in the capital and now was a valid reason to go - to meet one of my favourite bloggers... and to have a bit of child free shopping time. 

Maison Scotch Coat, New Look Jeans, Gap Ankle Boots (No links for any)

Posing in the middle of a street - harder than it looks.

That day was also the day I did my very first and very awkward streetstyle pose as directed by Marlene. I owe her big apologies for being such a decrepit model. I was not an easy subject to photograph - she can probably vouch for how devoid of model potential I really am. I didn't even manage a proper smize. And when I tried to take a picture of Marlene on her own camera - I'm sure she was wondering what halfwit did she had on her hands. I was probably her worst pupil ever even though all I had to do was press the button after she set it all up.

Marlene, can I say, it was a privilege to have been able to spend a day with you. Libertys' handbag department through your eyes is an eye-opener. You know your goatskin from your calfskin and truly appreciate great workmanship. Me, I am a heathen - I carry a tatty bag most days but I can tell you it's made from cotton and it washes well on a 40 degree cycle :o)


Last Note :

  • Before you correct me and say "Sue, you live in Yorkshire, you are going down to London", can I just say that I was once told that as London is the Capital city, we travel "up" to it, in reference to it's capital status. But I don't mind being corrected if I am wrong. Some people say it has something to do with the railway networks and how they operate which is why the say we are going up to London. If anybody knows - do share.

  • Pop over to Marlene's blog to see what she said of our day.

  • Yeah - she's taller than me. I'm officially short. Really short.


  1. Aw….you guys met! So cool. You look lovely in the photo too. That girl is good at bloggy photos. Next time I wanna come too! Avril x

    1. Start saving for your plane ticket Avril! if you're coming over at anytime, drop us a line.

  2. Ah, you lucky ladies. I LOVE Liberty store...and that flower stall...

    1. That flower stall indeed - you cannot take bad pictures with such beautiful flowers there.

  3. Lovely! I've just seen the post about your London meeting in Marlene's post.
    It's a lot of fun to finally meet in person someone you've been in touch with online for ages, isn't it? I recently met a twitter friend I've followed for years and it was so cool... even if a bit weird at times, because we already knew a lot about each other :)

    1. It is very strange. To be strangers but to know so much about each other. But it was good because we knew we had common ground. Surprised we didn't bump in to you browsing. By the way, I wouldn't stand next to you, you're a Giraffe compared to me.

  4. Sounds like fun! I love your coat and you smize just fine IMO ;)

    1. That wasn't smizing - that was grimacing through the cold! I have a new respect for all those models who stand there modelling bikinis in January!

  5. Oh how lovely that you met up, sounds like fun! I live in Kent and we say up to London although from my part of the county, I think I am actually going sideways!

    1. It was fun - my first time meeting a fellow blogger. I was actually quite nervous. But Marlene is so lovely and friendly, you can't not get on with her.

      Okay - we're in agreement for going up to London even if you're going sideways.

    2.'ve just made me blushed. I had no idea you were nervous! You were so easy to talk to. So down to earth. I think we should organize for a larger get together next year seeing that quite a few people are interested to join in.

  6. Looks like so much fun!! I used to love going to Liberty's! You've made me miss London...

    1. I wanted to live there when I was younger but I don't think I could take the pace these days. It's still wonderful to visit and Libertys never disappoints.

  7. How fab that you got to meet up with a fellow blogger! Sounds like you had an enjoyable day in London:)

    1. It was great but the most surprising thing? I didn't buy a thing .... for me. Now that's just wrong.

  8. That sounds like so much fun. Great photos (no really! They are great!) Libertys is soooooooo gorgeous ... sigh!

    1. It was fun and my niece who put me up for the weekend said I could pop along and stay with her anytime I liked. So, another trip to be planned next year methinks.

  9. It's not often I'm taller than someone else. I'm usually the midget. Hence, the wedge sneakers. It was absolutely fantastic catching up with you. Can't imagine how far you had to travel just to see me. And the preparation with the kids and all. Thank you so much! We'll have to do it again sometime next year. But this time, we've got to try out better restaurants.

    1. Aww the travelling wasn't that bad - it was lovely to sit in peace on the train. But I was tired but that's my own fault for burning the candles at both end before we met - hence big bags under eyes and the Grumps saying I looked dreadful (thanks) when I got home. Thanks for asking me to meet and I will do a bit of practice with streetstyle posing and ...taking decent, clear, in focus photos of you.

  10. What a great idea!! More blog meet ups I say - don't suppose you (or anyone else) fancies a meet up in the depths of Summerzet do 'ee?!!! x

    1. Aaah tractor country? I should fit right in then. Tractors at the end of my road too. Do you have any friends up this neck of the woods?

  11. Loved this!
    I'm in Scotland and go down to London though I think the proper thing to say is go up!

    1. I loved it too. Ooh now Scotland is nice too especially Edinburgh - I was there in March this year. I remember it being distinctly cold. Infact every time I've been to Scotland it's been cold. Maybe I should visit in July instead ... or will it still be cold?

  12. These are beautiful images, and the two of you look stunning!

    1. Thanks Louise. You can't take bad pictures of Libertys and the flower stalls - you just get stunning pictures. Poor Marlene - making her do a changing room shot!

  13. What a lovely post! You guys met at the greatest London shop and looked like you had a lot of fun. I think you are right with the saying 'going up to London', I think it is a 'status' thing, with it being the capital an all.

    1. I think it is the best store in London too. I can't go to London and not visit. I can pass anything else up but a trip to London is not complete without the visit to LIbertys. It's such a shame they shut all the little shops across the country some years back - I used to visit the one in York when I could. It's not the same but you couldn't replicate that kind of feeling you get in the main store anyway.

  14. Sue, you look chic as usual. I go "up" to London too and seeing your pics I feel all nostalgic about the place now. Used to walk past Liberty every day on the way to work...the flowers always made me smile.
    I'm not a blogger but I'm in for a meet up any time!!!

    1. Did you use to work in London? It must bring back memories then. I think we must have started something here - lots of meets being suggested!

  15. ooh so cool that you guys met up. really like the photo of you. i'll have to look you guys up when i head there :)

    steph /

    1. Thank you Stephanie. I need to work on that L'Oreal hair flicking though. You've got that down to a fine art. Note to self to try harder :o) And do look us up if you're coming over.

  16. Love that you gals met up! It's great to put a an actual person in place of the personality. Don't you sometimes feel like you already know someone just from their photos and hearing their thoughts? I'd love to stop by the Liberty shop the next time I'm in London (whenever that will be). What a great spot to join up!

    1. It's just the obvious place to meet. It's so iconic. You need to come over and shop your little heart out in there. You will love it.

  17. I grimance in pictures too, I could never stand there and get my picture taken! You look quite effortless though, no matter what you say about the effort.

    1. Thank you Lin but I promise you it really was hard. I grimace better than I grin. Some people were born to be in front of a camera. I was born to do something else :o)

  18. It's brilliant that the two of you met. Love Marlene she's such a hoot and I can imagine the two of you would really hit it off well. You're 'model' photo is truly brilliant! You would never know that you weren't the perfect subject to photograph :)

    xx Mandi

    1. She really is lovely isn't you and I can imagine that you two had a lovely time when you used to meet up too. I wish I had the gall to do some twirly whirly shots like you but knowing me I'd just keel over on a cobble or something.

  19. Whoohoo...firat I read about Marlene meeting another of a mutual blogger friend. Now I read about her meeting you. ;p

    I think it is lovely to spend some time with the girl pals...esp when you've been busy over work or kids or the family all the while. So nice to take a little break, away from the routine and spend some "ME" time.

    1. It was really good fun. I think I was on adrenaline high - I don't get out much :o)

  20. What a fun day! I'm so glad you two were able to meet up for a girls day. You both look stunning. Haute mamas indeed:)

    1. Thank you Lindsay. I have to say, Marlene is really the haute mama. I have a lot to learn from her.


Susie So So