Favourite Friday - Pied a Terre Boots

Friday 20 July 2012
Well if it isn't that time of the week again and here we are at Favourite Friday.  Second week - so far so good.  Not bottled it yet.

Today, I have decided to dedicate my post to my 10 year old Pied a Terre Boots who have given me incredibly good service and look only slightly more dilapidated than when I first bought them.  Yes - another item of mine which I paid good money for but which look like they are at the end of their lifecycle rather than at the beginning. 

They came like that - honest.

Admittedly, I put in the extra creases through 10 years wear.

I picked up these little beauties (may I remind you of the dictate - beauty is in the eye of the beholder?) at the York Outlet for the princely sum of £30 which admittedly wasn't that expensive even then.  I loved them on sight and clutched them to my busom as I made my way to to the sales desk and handed over the credit card most willingly.  And ... I sat them proudly on the passenger seat so I could peek at them every now and then as I drove home (what do you mean I'm weird - you mean you don't do that?).

Grumps didn't get them at all.  He called them my "builder boots" but credit to him that he never declined to go out with me whilst I was wearing them with whatever strange skirt ensemble I decided to pair them up with.  Think a bit Sienna Miller in the boho days but shorter, fatter and not as pretty.

I did say when I started this Favourite Friday thing that this was about something that rocked my boat - it's not all about pretty things - it's just about things which have a story or which hang around or just mean something to you.  These boots have served me ten years, they've been to Hong Kong, they've been to New York, they've survived friendships, they've survived longer than some friend's marriages, they've taken me shopping many a time so credit to them - they've earned my love and respect.  They get a reheel or resole as and when required and if I play my cards right, they will still be here when some of my other boots have come and gone and died.  Once I had a lady who tapped me on the shoulder in a children's soft play centre and said "excuse me" and all my friends and I stopped and held our collective breaths as I waited for her to tell me my child had just knocked hers out or something but she simply said "excuse me, I love your boots - can you tell me where you got them from as I've been looking for something just like them" and the relief I felt as I gladly but apologetically told her that they were years old and she was unlikely to find them.  I love it when something like that happens as it just reaffirms that you did actually get it right.  And this year with the military theme coming out strong - I think they may just come in to their own again especially if paired with any of the below.

Loving the bow detail on the back of this jumper.

So here's to my Pied a Terre old boots - let's hope we have another 10 years together!


  1. Hello back to you - had a browse - loving your blog too! Think we did start up about the same time - favourite Fridays sounds a great idea . I have a few of those items I've kept so long they are threatening to come back into fashion second time round! Will add you to my favs.... X

    1. Hi, in my case the boots are one one of those which never went away with me. Enjoying the "what's in my ...." post on your blog - it's a nice way to get to know the reader and I commend you on starting your 30 for 30 during the middle of the sales. You must have strong will power!

  2. Great boots, love them. You must be proud you made such a sound purchase!

    1. Oh absolutely. I was never in doubt. I have nice pristine boots and then I have these boots ....

  3. How true! We get a lot of tut tutting ladies here. My friends and I do the same and the palpable sense of relief when we realize she was not there to complain.

    I guess if you calculate the cost per wear, it would be next to 1p! Or perhaps so miniscule that it's not even worth acknowledging.

    1. Yes - I have had more wear from this cheap pair of boots than my more expensive ones and going by cost per wear, they work out free!!!! How fabulous is that!?!

  4. Lovely post, Sue.
    £30, 10 years. That's value for money! And you're absolutely right, they're a great match with military green clothes (love that Zara jumper, btw).

    1. Yes the jumper nearly came home with me a couple of weeks ago but I'm trying to be good until after my hols in a few weeks time. Who knows, it may appear in another future post - I have no will power.

  5. lovely jumper! I just noticed that you are much better organised and can even reply to comments...unlike me, as I am terrible with these kind of things. Love your blog!

    1. Hi there. I just figured if people are nice enough to leave a comment, I can at the very least, reply. It helps that mine's a little blog with a few followers rather hundreds and thousands (in my dreams) but it certainly makes it feel more personal and you get to know some really nice people!

  6. true...it makes it more personal. Mhh...I actually get very few comments...so it's not like I can't find time to reply...just very badly organised in life, in general.

    1. Doubt it - you just prioritise what you value most. Besides aren't you the one who managed moves to 4 countries?


Susie So So